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|| Visiting Barcelona, España || Parte 1 || [Sneak Peek]

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Miss_Peru_18's Avatar Miss_Peru_18
Level 55 : Grandmaster Miner Ninja

Welcome back to another story blog with @aa12_yt. Today I’ll be sharing another Country Humans story script about 5 mejor amigos Caitlin Cortez, Peru, Mexico, Chile and Argentina. And they plan a trip to visit Caitlin’s mejor amigo Conner Cortes in Barcelona, Spain (Spanish: España).

Here’s a quick sneak peek of what my new latest Country Humans story/script will look like further in the future.

Chile: Where are you from since you said your from Mexico?

Me: Tijuana. Tijuana, México.

Argentina: Isn’t that the bordering city that’s next door to San Diego, California?

Me: Yes! My brother Jakob moved to Lima, Peru. And he made contact with me and sent me some of the gorgeous pictures of the Andes.

Peru: See what I said sayin?

Me: Yes! What are some points of interest that we might be interested in when we go back to Peru?

Peru: Machu Picchu is one of the points of interest that we might go visit one day. How would you like that cariño?

Me: Machu Picchu?

Peru: It’s in Peru.

Chile: Some points of interest you could be very interested in cariño. Like the Andes in Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Argentina.

Me: Hmm! Something I might be very interested in Peru.

Peru: I told you. It’s a fortified town that the Spaniards found but never took residence.

Me: Yea! I’m familiar with the Spaniards. I’m mejor amigos with a fellow Spaniard in Spain.

Peru: Where do they live?

Me: Barcelona, Spain. I went to go see him a couple years ago and he has a nice house. He and his girlfriend. His name is Conner. Conner Cortes. His girlfriend’s name is Kat or Kate. Her real name is Katie. Or Kaitlin. It’s the opposite of mine but with a k in her name. She and Conner have a little girl. Her name is Jayla. Jayla Cortes.

Peru: Awww! How cute?

Me: Very. ¡Es lindo!

Peru: Isn’t Spanish the main language spoken in Spain?

Me: Yes! That’s where the Spanish language came from and that’s where it all began. It also has some indigenous languages besides Spanish, but those languages I’m not familiar with other than Spanish. That’s the only language I’m familiar with.

Peru: Barcelona, Spain? Isn’t that on the coast?

Me: Yea! It is. Conner told me that he and his girlfriend and their little girl Jayla went on a stroll around Barcelona and they noticed some of the waves coming up onto the shore of the beach they were visiting.

Peru: How old is Conner?

Me: 27. His girl’s age is 25 and their little girl’s age is 5. She’s not even in school yet and she’s doing well in daycare.

Peru: That’s good to know! Do you want to go see them soon?

Me: Probably. Conner doesn’t work right now but his girlfriend surely does.

Peru: Where does Kaitlin work?

Me: At some childcare center in Barcelona. Where they live. I’ll go ask if Conner is available to me to come to fly to see him and his familiar. (Family).

Peru: Yes! Since I’m your boyfriend am I allowed to come?

Me: Yes! You, Mexico, Chile and Argentina are all invited to come.

Chile: Thanks cariño!

If you ad/or your amigos (friends) have enjoyed seeing this country humans story/script please don’t forget to follow me on here, Instagram and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my youtube channel. And don’t forget to FOLLOW ME on DeviantArt if you could. Thanks! I would really appreciate it if you could do that. <3




2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Miss_Peru_18 10/30/2022 10:52:35 pmOct 30th, 2022

It was meant to say “Conner doesn’t work right now. But Katie surely does.”
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