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Etsey's Avatar Etsey
Level 31 : Artisan Toast
Before I start this blog, I just wanted to ask you guys to give me video ideas as I'm running rather short:
Watch this video, all the information is there:

Thanks :)

So, video ideas are something a lot of people struggle with, me being one of those.

So I've got some tips for you to make a channel with loads of ideas and so you'll never run out

My first tip is once a year or so, upload a video, asking for suggestions, then you've got infinite ideas because everyone'll comment

or make your own sub reddit (only if you're a large YouTuber)

Tip #2:
When you go to create your channel, don't put a label or a hint as to what your content will be about. If you do, it puts a closed box around you
EG: if you call yourself "BillyPlaysMinecraft". That's limiting you to only minecraft content. where as if you name your channel "billy", that leaves the doors open to gaming, vlogging, ranting and loads of other stuff!

Tip #3
Don't make more than one channel
If you want to do Gaming and Vlogging, keep it on one channel! Don't make 2 channels calling one "BillysGaming" and the other "BillysVlogs"
There are exceptions, but you may notice it's only large YouTubers that do this
If you truly want to separate your content, simply create playlists!

Tip #4
This doesn't really correlate with video ideas, but it's a nice one to put in there
1) Go on your YouTube channel
2)Click the cog next to the subscribe button:
3) Turn on "customise your channel"
This means you can show your playlists on the home screen in a vertical bar, there it can seperate your channel into Gaming and vlogging, therefore saving you time

Some people may argue "but if you have 2 channels, or even four, more people will subscribe". That doesn't matter. yeah, maybe if someone likes your channel, they'll subscribe to both. But you don't get money from subscribers, and if you're doing
YouTube just for subscribers and nothing else, that's kind of sad

Tip #5
Don't set a strict schedule.
If you set a strict YouTube schedule, you'll be pressurising yourself into making a new video! I don't stick to schedules, I simply say "okay, I'll upload once a week-ish". so the viewer doesn't expect videos frequently. There's some people who plain up say "I'll upload every monday, tuesday, thursday x2, friday, sunday x4. That's not a good plan to stick by. and making good quality content takes a lot longer than you think you know...
people might argue "I wanna be like PewDiePie". The reason he releases videos so often, is he spends an hour of his day filming a video, he doesn't edit. He sends it off to an editor. It's the same with other YouTubers, you'll rarely see a huge YouTuber that edits their own videos
By all means, set a schedule, but 1) don't be too strict. 2) if your schedule is "I'll upload 2 times a week, every monday and thursday at 5pm". Sit at the weekend, if you're doing a gaming series, record 2 hours of gameplay, then edit it into 6 or so episodes, then you've got at least 3 weeks of content right there!. Also, use the schedule tool when you upload. it's 4x as easy as you don't have to disrupt your routine

Thanks for reading this Blog
I hope you enjoyed

Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/ItsEzzieee
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/ezziecritchlow

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