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Undertale Review by Urrnge

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Urrnge's Avatar Urrnge
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
So yeah, this is gonna be my first review. Kinda been wanting to do this for awhile, so here it is I guess. There's probably gonna be spoilers or whatever, don't open the spoiler tags unless you wanna be spoiled, or ya know, if you already played the game.

On the field, you're walking around and interacting with the world doing things like talking to NPCs or solving puzzles. Standard RPG stuff. In combat, it turns into a turn based game. However instead of hitting attack until one of you is dead, there's a bullet hell mechanic in play when the enemy attacks, and you have control of your character so you can dodge the attacks yourself. In addition to that, you also have the option to kill or spare your enemies.

The characters are generally good. There are some awesome characters like the spaghetti-loving skeleton guy Papyrus or the absolutely fabulous robot Mettaton or the motherly tutorial goat Toriel. Then there's characters like Asgore. Asgore has no redeeming qualities about him. His a king that kills kids so he can free his people, and not even his wife wants to deal with him. Wow, what a stand up guy. My all time least favorite character is a spoiler, and I'm gonna talk about this character later. Everyone else it either just okay or meh.

Indie 8bit. Whatever. Some of the scenery was nice though.

Basically, you're some kid that fell down in a cave and landed in the Underground, home to all the monsters. So you gotta find a way back home, and you can choose to fight or spare any enemy that you face. I'm gonna be honest, when I first heard about it, it sounded lame as hell and I had no interest in playing it. However over time I decided to give it a try. Much to my surprise, I actually liked it quite a bit. The story is interesting, and you can get multiple endings depending on your actions. I'm gonna say my thoughts on the 3 main ones down below.

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This was my second favorite. I like having the option to kill monsters I wanna kill and spare others. Certain characters will also act differently if you kill or spare someone they had a relationship with. At the end, the final boss reveals himself, the goddamn flower from the beginning of the game. Now the set up of this boss is cool as hell. I really liked how he interacted with the game itself, like crashing the game, using save files, chaning the title of the game window to Floweytale, and stuff like that. The fight itself was cool too, it was just really ugly.

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I did a genocide after my first playthrough, I like playing the villain in games if given the chance, so I was interested in doing this one. Too bad it sucked. In order to trigger it, you gotta kill literally everything you can. It's not enough to just run normally slashing everything in your path, you gotta hunt them down in true RPG fashion by grinding. Grinding always sucks. Pretty much all the bosses go down in one hit, which is weird because the regular monsters take more hits. There are two actual bosses this play through, and they are both hard as hell. And what's your reward for going through this hell? A lame ass ending. How anticlimactic.

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Not being able to kill anything is lame as hell. These monsters are trying to kill me, but nah, self-defense is a sin down there apparently. That being said, it's my favorite playthrough. The no fighting schtick is made up by the story, character interactions, and final boss. Characters I out right hated my first playthrough ended up becoming slightly more likable. However, the one thing I really hate is Asriel. There is nothing likable about him. He tried to kill all my friends and the world itself, but oh, he's crying and sad music is playing, so you gotta feel sorry for him right? Nope, screw him. The game constantly tries to make the player feel bad when they do bad stuff, so why the hell should Asrial get any sympathy? It even shows in the pacifist ending. "Oh you did the pacifist ending and everyone is happy. Oh wait, you did a genocide run before and killing people is wroooong, so no happy ending for you."Other than that is was fine.

My favorite part of the game is the music, it's awesome. Like pretty much every other game, I like the boss themes the best, with Bonetrusle being the all time best song in the game. I also liked Death by Glamor, Hopes & Dreams, and Spider Dance. The field music was pretty good too.

Overall, this was a really fun game, and I think y'all should try it out, well unless you don't like RPGs.

It's good man.

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05/08/2016 12:32 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Mostly agree with pretty much everything.

Also, my review was better. ;D
Naw, this review is gud
05/03/2016 2:26 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1722977's Avatar
05/03/2016 2:15 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
Well I left the fanbase out since I was reviewing the game itself. As annoying as they can get, it doesn't affect the gameplay. Besides, they're not even the worst. For me, I think the bronies were worse back in their prime. It seems to have died down a lot, so I don't have a problem with them now. And rule 34 is gonna happen regardless because it affects everything. It's popularity also adds to the amount.
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