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Understanding Introverts - Being quiet is not a defect!

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Myyoyo's Avatar Myyoyo
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Wolf Whisperer

Six Signs You’re an Introvert

  1. You enjoy having time to yourself.
  2. Your best thinking occurs when you’re by yourself.
  3. You’re the last to raise your hand when someone asks for something from a group.
  4. You most likely don’t seek a great deal of contact with others - you would keep your head down and look straight in front of you.
  5. You receive more calls, texts, and emails than you make, unless you have no choice.
  6. You don’t initiate small talk with salespeople or others.

In order to truly understand one another, we need to stop trying to change each other.

Don’t try to fix what is not broken. We don’t expect extroverts to be more introverted, so we should stop trying to convince introverts to be more extroverted. It really doesn’t matter how many times you tell an introverted person to become more social - it will not happen. It’s not that they don’t want to change; they simply can’t. You cannot just stop being one and become the other.

Just because they don’t keep up with the verbalizing does not mean they are not interested. The introvert sits in the classroom and watches everything that is going on. She/he don’t need to dive in and talk, so she/he pay more attention to what’s going on. As such, introverts may be more watchful and learn more with their observation skills.

Introverts don’t necessarily dislike other people, they just prefer smaller crowds, familiar faces and they don’t need to talk about everything. And they may not understand that others need to verbalize constantly. They need more alone downtime to reenergize after a lot of people interaction. The energy of introverts is literally being sucked out of them when there is constant and intense engagement and discussion. So don’t expect them to be upbeat when they are feeling drained.

If you think that introverts don’t like to talk or don’t have strong opinions, you couldn’t be more wrong. When it comes to the topics that interest them, introverts can be very talkative and passionate. They may speak more slowly or be more thoughtful in their delivery, so give them a chance to share their viewpoint and listen to it.

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09/23/2020 10:25 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Droid
Yobi_Wan's Avatar
Great post. Thanks for this.
01/23/2018 4:59 pm
Level 46 : Master Architect
PlanetForger's Avatar
10/09/2017 2:24 pm
Level 49 : Master Fox
LimeeFox's Avatar
Im insanely happy that im introvert for some reason
09/22/2017 3:50 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
babbajagga's Avatar
I like the title picture/text, good one
08/29/2017 10:11 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Architect
LightlySaltedBuilder's Avatar
I'mj an introvert, but I enjoy telling people I'm antisocial.
07/03/2018 5:47 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Witch
Maisa's Avatar
Antisocial means sociopathic, narcissist or psychopathic character. Maybe "asocial" is what you mean to say, unless you are enjoying the provoking and scaring of people?
07/03/2018 6:31 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Architect
LightlySaltedBuilder's Avatar
No, usually I hear antisocial as meaning that you don't like to interact with people, so I learned something new today.
07/04/2018 2:18 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Witch
Maisa's Avatar
It's a common misconception because the word sounds legit to the purpose. The terminology came across when I was studying about psychopaths and surprised me too.
08/27/2017 12:10 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
raisa's Avatar
haha that's me...
i don't like talking to strangers, and ordering things will just make me nervous. making friends isn't really that easy unless they approach me first. working in groups isn't my strong point, if we have to share papers, i'll literally just blankly shove it in their faces and tell them one word, "read." getting randomly put in the spotlight and getting unwanted attention is a definite no for me. teacher randomly calls you in class? almost starts crying and breaks out in a cold sweat.
once had a new girl ask me if i had no friends because i didn't talk to anybody for 2 periods! i actually did, she just didn't notice.
All I really did was just stare at her for a second, smile, and tell her, "Oh! I do."
with close friends, i can scream across a field and be the most talkative person and practically be more annoying than you can handle.
09/05/2017 5:28 am
Level 48 : Master Technomancer
Bastion1540's Avatar
oh that's me, but never had a girl friend.... and I don't care at all
but if people try to be mean to me, my fist become really sociable
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