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Two Things That Should Change About YouTube. And the history of YouTube.

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redfox_pw's Avatar redfox_pw
Level 30 : Artisan Toast
Hello and today I bring you: Two Things That Need to Change About YouTube. Simple enough, let's start. 

One Wroken Copyright.
If you are older than the age of 8 then you must know about the broken copyright law of YouTube, and what happend to the Youtuber named I hate everything.  I hate Everything or IHE had a video put down for copyright. The video itself was about IHE criticizing the movie and making funny comments etc. He added clips of the movie but nothing serious to go to court over it. Or get any lawyers into it.

With many threatening emails from the movie director/actor Derek Savage. The movie itself is amateur and is a bit low budget. At the end IHE won the case about the copyright and didn't get his channel banned. More detail is Here. So YouTube is now paying attention at this copyright issue and are fixing it for the USA. Many YouTube channels get put down for idiotic reasons. 

Two Chat Moderators

Planet Minecraft will not be the same site if no moderators are Here. Moderators are kind of like policemen of the internet. Without them here, the amount of trashy spam inappropriate insulting junk would be here. You probably know that they are no chat moderators on YouTube.

Which is understandable. With that size of a website, you will need literally hundreds of thousands of moderators. But still, there is millions of new content everyday! And the cost for moderators would be massive. Insane in fact. And you can always have volunteers, but you wouldn't get hundred of thousands volunteers that will work at least four hours a day. But it would be nice to have filtered chat.

The History of YouTube

Youtube began with PayPal employees started to create a video-sharing website on which user could upload share and view videos. The internet domain "youtube.com" was activated on February 14 2005, and the website was developed over the subsequent months. On October 9 2006 it was announced that the company would be purchased by Google for US$1.65 BILLION in stock. 

That is the short summary of Youtber's history and my opinion on what should be changed about the famous site called Youtube.

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12/04/2015 6:12 pm
Level 22 : Expert Princess
Jazzy's Avatar
Totally agree man, YouTube has gotten a bit better with they're copyright issues again, but I guess it went downhill for longer than it should have, and yes, every site needs it moderators, yes it would be boring and dull for them to go through a long comment section, but still, there would always be a lot more moderators to handle that, and as far as the YouTubers & Companies that use the copyright law incorrectly, they aren't going to win in any case, shape or form, they simply are misusing it, so until they find another way to take down innocent channels, YouTubers aren't going to go down as fast, but court sucks even if you do win, it's a hassle, a long process.

Oh and btw, be careful, some mods took down AnimeFan's blog on a similar subject because they thought it was a Rant, but don't worry too much, I don't think this will, but many of mine got taken down for the same reason. (Nothing against moderators :*). )
12/05/2015 1:13 am
Level 30 : Artisan Toast
redfox_pw's Avatar
Yes, agreed. I am glad to see Youtube fixing the copyright law. And one of the main reasons I added the history of YouTube to this is because it would not fall under the name "rant".
12/05/2015 1:19 am
Level 22 : Expert Princess
Jazzy's Avatar
Yep, it is definitely good to see them fixing the problem.

And good idea, plus you got some backstory too ;*)
11/30/2015 11:13 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Vampire
LadySpiderwick's Avatar
YouTube Red is a bit of a gimmick, exclusive content and ad free. Adblock doesn't cost a cent and is an easy to install browser addon. I've reported people on YouTube comments for being rude against me and they were let off, I also believe certain derogatory comments such as 'retarded' under the circumstance of being used as an insult should be an instant deletion and warning.

Allowing spam comments and certain advertising comments needs to be highly moderated too, not just the content creator to monitor it.
12/01/2015 3:00 am
Level 30 : Artisan Toast
redfox_pw's Avatar
Agreed, they are spending loads of money on YouTube Red, but with the millions of new content everyday, it would take so many people to monitor the comments. If you are going to read all of PewDiePew's comments. That is going to take at least an hour. 

And the amount of insulting comments out there. It would take double the time removing them. If they had a chat filter, that would help. People always find a way to bend the law. But it wouldn't be a direct insult.
12/02/2015 12:49 am
Level 32 : Artisan Vampire
LadySpiderwick's Avatar
A global chat filter would actually be pretty good for a while, I find that people use words like 'retard' 'Autistic' among other rude words to degrade others' opinions because they don't agree with them.
11/30/2015 2:07 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Myra_'s Avatar
I... I'm older than YouTube...
12/04/2015 6:13 pm
Level 22 : Expert Princess
Jazzy's Avatar
Let's face it, we all are xD
12/01/2015 12:13 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
irritatedCat's Avatar
Wow, so am I!
11/30/2015 5:14 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Toast
redfox_pw's Avatar
So am I...
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