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[TUT] How to make a good Prison server

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Pushless's Avatar Pushless
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
So it's come to me, that most of you h
ave seen those
huge prison servers with amazing builds and mines, and
a huge spawn and active staff members. Well today, i'm
going to show you how to become one of those servers.

All servers need plugins, and I have decided to make

a list here with all the plugins that you will need to make your
Prison server working! (You need essentials, I just felt I didn't
need to put it in the server list)

World Guard/ World Edit - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/worldguard/
                                          - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/worldedit/
Those plugins are used to protect and create massive builds. Anything that seems
to long to build, you can use world edit for.

MRL - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/mineresetlite/
Mine reset lite is my choice of a mine plugin, it is compatible with world edit and
easy to use. Even owners with no server experience would simply find this easy
to use and work!

ClearLag - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/clearlagg/
This plugin clears any unused entities and even chunks, making your server
less laggy for the players.

PaidRanks - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/paidranks/
You need a plugin to rank you up! this is a very easy to use plugin that all
staff can be good at. PaidRanks provides a default ladder for your ranks and
it's very easy to manage.

Have any other manditory plugins you need? Leave a comment. I will add it as
soon as I can!

Voting - Setup votifier and add your site to many server lists. not only does it get
your server out there, it also lets players vote for in game items. make your items pretty decent
to make people want to vote!
Tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhu5hZW2MfY
Plugin Link : http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/votifier/

Active Staff - It might seem weird how active staff can help your server and make it more popular,
but It can. The more staff the better, But make sure not to have more staff then players! Anyway,
Staff can help your server increase in a slight way. If players have questions about the server and no
staff are on, Who's going to answer those questions? And most players might leave.

Website - Have a decent website, with ways to donate and ways for people to communicate with
each other. A personal gaming website I use is enjin! http://www.enjin.com/

Custom Content - Make your buildings and mines unique, don't go on other servers and
copy, most players like unique content and stuff more! Hire Some builders that would love
to build for your server.

Youtuber Rank - Make a youtuber rank and make people want to make videos about
your server. people who have decent amount of subscribers and views who make videos about
your server get rewarded. Make the rewards pretty OP so you have people wanting to
make a video.

OP Pickaxes - Pickaxes seem like the type of thing that wouldn't get your server popular. Well it does,
Make your Pickaxes decent, it seems that most players now are to lazy to make there own stuff.
the more op there pickaxe is, the more likely there going to stay.

Ranks - Make a ton of ranks, have it to where players want to stay to achieve the rank. The more
ranks you have, the harder it is for the players that could make it slightly addicting for them to achieve
that rank.

Events - Have a lot of events, make sure that the events are unique and everyone has a chance of winning.
Winners could recieve a amazing reward and the more events = the more people.

Feel free to leave your suggestions on how to make a prison server better.

I will add almost all ideas so don't be afraid to mention a few ideas!

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07/31/2014 2:49 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1072506's Avatar
07/31/2014 3:18 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Pushless's Avatar
Haha, I'll look forward to it, I prefer essentials. but Since you said that i might try it out :)
07/31/2014 12:47 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Pushless's Avatar
Feel free to leave suggestions, I don't mind adding a few things to help prison owners out!
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