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[True Story] Hate, Friends, Love | ·|€mîl¥|·

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The_LOL_Gangster's Avatar The_LOL_Gangster
Level 25 : Expert Cake
Click For Story[True story, it all happened to me ♥
]Emily sits in a tree while taking to her brofriend, "So, truth or dare?" Said the guy, "Um, dare" Said Emily "Make it a good one Wolfy!"
"Hmm, his about I dare you to kiss a guy, right now." Ask wolfy with a grin. Emily turns around and kisses the tree.
"This tree is a good kisser" Emily said, then starts laughing. "Wow, you have the guts to kiss my tree hmmm?!"
"Now it's my tree!" Emily says she kisses the tree again. "Tsk.." Said the guy with his head down trying now to show his face
"Yo! Wanna kiss my tree?" Said Emily with a smirk. "Sorry, but at least I have a girlfriend" He laughed
Emily looks at Wolfy "You know what.." Said Wolfy, Emily gets down from the tree. Wolfy grabs Emily and kisses her, "Well miss fatty and mr annoying can kiss while I go on a date." He walks away with out a word, Emily blushes red. "Wolfy..." Emily looks at him, seeing him blushing to. "Am sorry.." Said Wolfy as he walks up to her, makes a fist "friends?" He said, Emily smiles "friends"

Emily walks through the park seeing him, sitting on a bench with hands cover his face, with a red rose next to him
Emily sits next to him, "Hey is everything alright?" She asked, he removes his hands and looks at her, seeing tears rolling down his check
"Do you think am ok?!" He said then crys. Emily wipes one of his tears "Its alright...Am here" Emily said then hugs him.
He stays quite then hugs back "If you don't mind me asking but, what happened?" Emily asked, "My girlfriend Chloe..cheated on me, we got in a big fight and..it ended everything, three months together giving all my love, and she cheats on me like-" Emily kisses him on the cheek, "same thing happened to me.." Emily says then wipes a tear, "Hey, Well it's just you and me, wanna talk to get to know each other?" He said, "what's your name? Mine is Emily.." She said. "My name is Kieran, but people call me Bonnie or Toy Bonnie" Kieran said, "ok hmm.." Emily thinks "yes?" He asked "Jerk face" Emily smiles then laughs. "What? Jerk face?" Kieran said with a smile, he gets up "let's get to know each other" Kieran Said, Emily gets up and walks with him down the street.

One Month Later...
Emily sits next to Kieran, "Anything new jerk face?" Emily asked, Kieran smiles. "Never gets old.." He said, Emily holds his hand and lays her head on his shoulder, Kieran kisses her head then smiles "You know...we haven't had our first kiss yet.." Kieran said looks at her with an smirk, His short black hair blows lightly in the breeze. "Yeah your right.." Emily said, Her short curl hair blows
Lightly in the breeze, Kieran looks into her eyes "you have better eyes then me" he said "mine are just brown, yours are blue a beautiful blue for a beautiful girl" Kieran said, then winks playfully. "I do got a surprise for you" Emily says then sits up. "Close your eyes" She says "Alright" Kieran said, then closes his eyes, Emily holds his hands down and kisses him on the lips, she blushes "Well I didn't knew you had that in you" he smiles, "your cute then you blush" Kieran moves a part of hair out of her face then kisses her. "Well.." she says "So, jerk face wanna go to the field?" She asked "Yeah" Kieran gets up, so does Emily. They walk together with his arm around her.
"I love you Em" Kieran said,
"Love you to jerk face" Emily says.

"Love is a beautiful, powerful thing, this is just only the beginning.
When will your story begin?"
~ Emily

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02/16/2018 1:09 pm
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