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Nyh's Avatar Nyh
Level 16 : Journeyman Scribe
The Last Day

I never really liked the wind.
She sat up in the bed, looking around the hazy looking room rubbing her good eye with her right hand. "I just never liked it and for good reasons" Turning off the side of the bed and stepping back, her bare-feet patted against the cold hard floor before she came to a stop to an open window staring out at the blue skies and sunny days, a dark wall of clouds beyond the horizon slowly approaching her peace abode. "People love the rain, they love how cold it feels and how gentle the wind is, but they never suspect it to turn violent within a moments notice" Turning around and facing her desk, she picked up a crumpled image. "Then again I am just talking to myself"

The world faded to a darkness, as she floated in the darkness for a while, before a voice snapped her awake. "Honey wake up!" Someone unforeseen hand was rocking her shoulders until she groaned like the un-dead and sat up slowly like a Dracula on a rude awakening. "Come on dad, do you even know what time it is?" Not looking at the clock she could tell it was noon. "Yes, and it's 8 o'clock" He said to her as her head snapped to the clock left of her, reading the hands at 8 and 12.

"Oh... right on point I guess?"

Rubbing her eyes as the crunchy yellow crust crumbled beneath her hands, she took a look around the room more taking in the sudden gray and dark atmosphere. "So uh, what happened to the sun?" She turned towards her father as he stopped and placed a finger on his chin, as he's done while thinking. "Well I think it's just cloudy out, and you got a lawn to take care of" He could hear the groan building up as she slumped flopped out of bed. "But I don't want to mow the yard anymore! It's larger than a Olympic pool" He chuckled at her riposte.

"It can't be that bad can it?"

Walking around the room and picking clothes for her to put on that will make her look pretty all while not looking like a country tomboy, she picked up a Cami-top, fit into some black jeans, and wore a black and red pair of DC shoes. "Please rain, pleeease" She begged to the clouds, from her room to the living room and out the door into the open world, she looked up and could see the spotty gray clouds, like an ocean with soap, spots of blue and sun poked through before being covered by a gray overlay time from time. "Just a little rain!" Seeing the rain gods not answering her calls, she let out one last groan before heading to the garage, lifting up the gate and looking inside, a old Mitsubishi sits there, and to the left of it, the mower hang from it's handles.

"Well, time for work"


The aroma of freshly cut grass and wet dew filled the air while she begun to sweat, not even finishing up a quarter of the backyard, it was indeed larger than life. the wind picked up a-bit, as wind chimes placed all around their home begun to cling and clang to the calling of the wind. "Hey, Hunbun" She stopped and cringed for a second, he knew she didn't like that nickname but he didn't listen anyways. "I'm going to the post office, I'll be back in a=bit" She turned slowly towards him and waved "Alright Dad" Waving until he was gone and out of sight, she quickly rushed back inside of the home and turned to the TV, her natural anxiety was beginning to kick in as she found it harder to breathe, switching over to "The Weather Channel" She waited for the images to switch over to the "Local on the 8's"

"Currently the temperature is 84 Degrees, with light rain... Here's our local Doppler radar" On the screen it showed a massive cloud of green slowly moving over the state and lands, though none of it appeared orange or red.

"Oh thank god" Letting out a deep exhale and relaxing on the chair that is now dirtied with glass clippings and moisture, her innate fear of Tornadoes and storms went into overdrive for a-bit, Her mind was glad to hear that it was just rain. "Well back to work I guess" Rushing out the back-door, leaving it open as she ran for a few seconds before catching up with the mower. ripping on the cord as it sputtered to life and continued to shred grass and spew it out the side vent. Her humming free to express it's valued song, her head bobbing side to side as peaceful as she could be. Unknown to horrendous chirping and beeping of the TV, as a red bar moved across the bottom of the TV, the monotone voice beginning it's warning speech, as it was scripted to do in these types of events.

"The National Weather Service has issued a Tornado warning for. Lincoln, NE" But it fell on deaf and mower blasted ears.

The Wind

Yet to be...


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06/01/2018 3:25 pm
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07/15/2016 1:54 pm
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When is the rest coming out??
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