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Too Many Hoodie Skins!

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__Derp's Avatar __Derp
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
Hello, I am __Derp and I am a blogger and forum poster.
As if you look at my PMC profile I am new to here. BUT I was a guest with no account reading blogs and such.
Let the Blog begin!

So as I am looking at some nice HD skins there are these other skins. They look like teens in hoodies, I usually skip over them. My friend has a teen skin but with no hoodie. I think this is lack of creativity and laziness to come up with a good skin idea. There is no reason for this! All you have to do is think of your favorite thing and see if you can shade it in a program such as Paint.NET (Awesome Program btw) and make it look nice. But NO! People think that teen skins is the best they can do! It's the world currently. People think everything they think of is already created. But how do you know that? The internet is not always right. Please take advantage of creativity and make great skins. Please! It helps the society know that you are a creative person and that encourages them to make more skins that are not related to teens or hoodies. This makes the world a better place of imagination. You make think I am overdoing this blog. Think again. I am a blogger encouraging you to make the society better. It's really up to you to make the world better in imagination purposes.

I used to make a lot of HD skins but I quit as if I needed more thing to help me think of. Now, I have the creativity to make skins (But Sorry I Don't Release Them) and they look pretty nice and they aren't even a teen or hoodie skin. I base my skins off of a character of my favorite TV show or a show off of my childhood. And it shows that I am imaginative and have the mind of thinking. I think the world is better off with imagination. Every TV show you watch is based off of imagination. Such as, the childhood show Elmo. It's based off of an imagination and so is Anime. Please make different skins that aren't even close to a teen or hoodie skin. Thanks for reading this blog/article.


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