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To Kill a Wither: Episode 1 An intro

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Cyberdragon56's Avatar Cyberdragon56
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
Minecraft intro

Once long ago at the beginning of what they call the world, there lived the great creator, Notch. He created the world to be a wonderful and peaceful world of creativity and ingenuity. The community thrived and Notch built a great castle where he lived with his family. He had two sons, Hero and Steve. They grew up together playing, fighting and hunting, as brothers tend to do. But Hero was unhappy with his life, he wanted adventure and power, he wanted to do things his own way. He secretly grew a small band of followers who agreed with him on these matters. They called themselves the Grievers, and they wore pitch-black skulls whenever they met. Hero was their leader and gave himself his own name, Herobrine! He was the bane of heroes and destroyer of creations. One day Steve followed Herobrine to the Grievers meeting and saw for himself their power. He also learned that they were bound to attack the city and dominate the world. He hastened to his father with the news but Notch only scoffed. Saying that even if Steve’s fanciful stories were true, they had more then enough garrison to hold them back. But neither could comprehend the immense numbers the Grievers had massed and even some of the men in the castle were members. The age of Herobrine had come! Or so he thought. When the battle began it was so quick and deadly that none stood against them. They had creatures unimaginable. The undead, giant spiders, strange green monsters and, worst of all men from the end of time, the final age of darkness when earth was just a barren rock barely seven chunks across. These Endermen had the power to teleport spontaneously from one location to the next, and were possibly the most deadly enemies. The castle fell. Herobrine had conquered it! As he strode into Notch’s throne room, he reflected on his rise to power and his brilliance. Notch was holding a diamond sword its point was hovering straight at Herobrine’s chest. But he knew his father could not kill him, and even if he worked up the nerve, Herobrine had a much more powerful blade, the Wither Blade! He struck the sword out of Notch’s hand and leveled it towards his heart. He smiled coolly at the look of terror on the once pompous face.

“Hero… son” he said quietly. A sudden rage filled Herobrine and he smote wildly at the figure before him.

“That is no longer my name! I am Herobrine! Bane of heroes!”

Notch fell back and ducked sideways as the blows rained down, severing the throne in two. Steve burst into the throne room and rushed forward as Herobrine sunk his blade into Notch’s arm.

            “NO!” He shouted but he knew he was to late. The Wither’s poison would do its job. Rushing forward he grabbed the diamond sword and deftly struck out at Herobrine. He felt the blade connect and he looked up as Herobrine screamed out in pain clutching his eyes. Struggling backwards he fell, and the ground opened beneath him plunging the bane of heroes into an endless abyss to somewhere far below bedrock. Leaving the weeping Steve over the body of his dead father. The grievers now leaderless, scattered and the undead creatures went out into forests to spawn and breed. From then on that point was known as the Battle of Downfall, and the world went from a peaceful creative world, to a world of hard difficulty and survival.

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02/28/2015 4:59 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
Cyberdragon56's Avatar
I hope you guys enjoy the introduction to my multipart series. Part 1 coming soon!
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