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Titans part 2

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Makaneek's Avatar Makaneek
Level 48 : Master Answer
Part 2 finally! If you haven't read part 1 yet, read it first because otherwise, this will make no sense.

Suddenly, after a mad dash through the multiverse, Notch came to a halt. He recognized the cosmic signature of his brother. Herobrine had been here merely microseconds before, but he'd masked his escape into one of the three universes nearby. Notch tried to decide what his brother would do. The three worlds emitted wildly different energy signatures, yet all on the same frequency. Very odd. The first was pitch dark, the next swelteringly hot, and the last positively screamed, "Things live here!". Notch then knew which dimension Herobrine had entered.

But Notch wasn't stupid, far from it. He knew his brother well, and he knew that Herobrine would begin preparing traps and surprise attacks immediately. He couldn't win alone, and he couldn't simply walk into hostile territory. The best option would be to take advantage of Herobrine's relative impatience and let him walk into the lion's mouth. Notch entered the lush, life laden world to initiate his plan.

When Notch arrived, his eyes and ears were bombarded with information. Almost wherever he looked, there were life forms. Most were green and rooted in place, but some were more mobile and came in a wider variety of shapes and colors. In the sky, there was less life, but there, the natural systems that had helped shape this world were clearly visible. The blinding sun that supplied heat and light, as well as the clouds, which supplied water, shared the sky as they had every day for age after age.

As Notch continued to explore the world, he soon discovered that it had its share of darkness. Once night fell and the countless stars began to show, monstrous beings of all types crawled their way out of the surrounding caves. At length, Notch came across a settlement populated by humans and protected from the monsters of the night by a lumbering creature made of iron. He adopted the appearance of a bald, middle-aged man, with a short black beard, and dressed in a leather outfit. In his new disguise, he entered the village to begin phase one of his plan.

Once morning came and the sun arose, the villagers each noticed that a stranger had arrived during the night. This wasn't strange in itself, travellers and traders frequently visited most villages, but he didn't look like he'd been travelling for very long, and anyway, he had no llamas with him. Naturally, they were curious, but they were all too polite to ask his intentions. If he meant to tell them, he would, and if he didn't mean to, it was none of their concern. At noon, on the first day of his stay, a message was found stuck to the village notice board with an arrow.

To all Adventurers and Villagers skilled in combat:
If you wish to earn reward for your abilities,
meet us on the tallest peak overlooking the village at midnight,
at the next full moon.
Before sundown, the man was gone.

On the night of the full moon, the local warriors who had accepted the invitation met on the mountain. there were eight in all, and they had to be skilled in combat to survive the treacherous nighttime journey to the summit. High on the mountainside, facing away from the village, stood a small cabin made of spruce logs that was surrounded by a low cobblestone wall, and lit inside and out with torches. The bearded man from the village, now with his hood up to protect his bald head from the chilly night air, stepped out of the cabin to meet them.

"Awright, enough with all the mystery," growled Ajax, the tallest and strongest of the eight. "When do we get paid, and why should we trust you?" The bald man whipped out a trident, a weapon most of them had only heard about, threw it over Ajax's head, and impaled a creeper that was sneaking up behind him, killing the fiend instantly.

"You will be rewarded when the job is done, and you can all trust me because I just saved all of our lives."Replied the man, "And next time you enter someone's property at night, close the gate behind you."

As Ajax sulked his way toward the gate to shut it, he muttered something about taking on ten creepers himself. One by one, the eight warriors followed their host into the cabin. The interior was nothing special, just a few chests, furnaces, and crafting tables along the walls, and a spruce trapdoor that lead to a cellar. At the bearded man's direction, they all climbed down the ladder.

Inside cobblestone cellar was a chest filled with minecarts, and two railway tunnels on the wall opposite the ladder, one for going, and the other for coming. Everyone grabbed a minecart, and soon they were all speeding away from the cabin.

The tracks stretched for many, many blocks underground, and they travelled farther than some of the passengers had ever been away from the village. After crossing ravines and twisting through mineshafts, they finally came to a railway hub that was part of an underground fortress carved out of the stone that surrounded them all. For the first time since they had left the cabin, their host spoke to them.

"I have gathered all of you here to fight a terrible enemy that left unchecked, could spell doom for us all. My stronghold will be our war base, and we shall unite fighters from all of the nearby villages to save humankind from destruction. Are there any questions?"

"Who is this enemy?" asked a brown-haired woman with a large sword, and a scar on her cheek.

"I believe they will announce themselves when they arrive, if they haven't already." The man answered.

"Just what is our reward?" asked a black-haired young man with stubble, a green cloak, and a longbow.

"Oh you know, eternal fame, priceless knowledge, and plenty of wealth."

Finally, Ajax asked, "who are you anyway?"

"I'm glad you asked, you need something to call me. Notch. My name is Notch."

Over the next days, weeks, and months, many more warriors were gathered from other villages. The stronghold was expanded greatly. It now included two libraries, five cell blocks, and many storage rooms, living chambers, and hallways. Both sides had fueled the fire, now all that was needed was a spark, and when strange, tall, dark, creatures, known as Endermen began to appear throughout the overworld, the spark was lit.

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04/26/2019 6:12 am
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04/26/2019 6:12 am
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04/26/2019 11:50 am
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04/26/2019 11:50 am
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02/26/2019 4:56 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
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Sorry, this one came out so late. I was sick for a few days :P
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