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Tips To Make A Successful Faction #1

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uSneakyyMurican's Avatar uSneakyyMurican
Level 13 : Journeyman Architect
Hey there I'm ɥSηeakyy, and I'm going to give you 5 tips on how to keep your faction successful!
1) Careful of who you invite to your faction and who you promote. For starters, don't trust anyone who is in a good-looking faction and insists on joining yours. That is usually a trick so they can grief you. And if you do trust someone is not going to grief you, don't promote them unless you know them from somewhere else or outside of Minecraft, and as a friend. Only promote to member (+), not a officer (*). If you do that they have permissions to unclaim all of your land, kick other members, change your faction name, and other things too.
2) Unless if you plan on inviting ONLY you and your CLOSEST friends, don't make all of your member's bases at a /f home. That simply makes it about 10 times easier for someone to raid/grief you. Keep your bases spread out, and not more than 3 people in 1 base.
3) Careful of how much land you claim. When you do /f f (faction name), where it says
Land / Power / Maxpower, and a number like 13/57/60, that shows how easily raided you can be. If your power, the number in the middle, gets lower then your total land claimed, the number on the left, then another faction can come and claim over your land (conquer, take over, over-claim).
4) Don't die too much. Remember, your personal power (/f p [player]) affects your faction power (as demonstrated above). Try to keep your power above 6/10. Be careful about PvPing in the survival world, and also avoid dying to mobs, lava, or fall damage.
5) Do not tpa anyone to your base. There is a high chance the person will screenshot your coordinates or /sethome and come back later to raid you, grief you, or tpa others into/to it.
If you feel like this thread has helped you in any way, don't be afraid to click the like button. Leave your comments on here too if you have anymore tips. There WILL be another thread of this post with more tips! so stay active on this website and watch the forums! - ɥSηeakyy

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