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Tips To Improve Your Posts On PMC

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pythagon's Avatar pythagon
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
Tips to Improve Your Posts on PMC

Hello; I decided it was time to make another blog, so here it is! In this blog post I wanted to talk about some tips that you can use to increase the number of views and responses you get to your PMC posts.

I am eventually going to get round to finishing this blog by updating it now and then, adding a section for each category of the site as I go. Today, I will be starting this post off by talking about how to improve your Forum posts.

Forum Posts

1. Applications and Recruitment

Knowing how to handle recruitment posts for your server or project, no matter what it is, would seem pretty much common sense. If you follow a basic frame, it should be easy to do. Or not so easy for some, as it seems.

To me, it seems common sense that you would follow a frame that goes something like:

Title > Introduction > Example Application > Feedback > Thanks For Reading (ect.)

However, we still see posts that look something a lot like this:


To me, this seems like spam. Judging by the looks and poor quality of writing applied, it is easy to judge that people will most likely not show much interest in reading it, or even bothering to apply. 

Here is a better example of a post, that many people would probably bother to read through, and then take their time over applying:


So, next time that you write a post hoping to find willing people to help you out, keep in mind that trashy will not get a good response. Again, here is my writing frame to help you out:

Title > Introduction > Example Application > Feedback > Thanks For Reading

2. Everything Else

I don't have too much to comment on about other posts, as most of them are generic talking about a topic or showing something off. All that I'd like to say is keep the neat, and tidy, therefore benefitting you, getting you a bigger audience, or more variety in readers.

Remeber, I will update this blog soon to include what I will be talking about next; Projects.

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06/30/2014 7:05 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Network
SuperiorSkyblock's Avatar
Nice! I agree! It presses my buttons when people do not have a profesional letter. By the way, what do you think about the new eula? Here are my thoughts!
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