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Tips On Builiding A Map for Starters by Panda_Shark

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Panda_Shark's Avatar Panda_Shark
Level 28 : Expert Modder uwu
Never plan to big start the smallest possible and continue developing it until you have got it working

Never Plan on doing everything youself it will motivate you to complete your build if other people are helping

There is no wrong way to make a map some people are highly organised and have everything planned out ahead of time

if you are working part as a team (for example me) its important to organise your command blocks

Dont take on too big a project if you dont have the team for it Start small and push yourself

When buildong always keep the theme of ur map in mind

With a big building it is useful to construct it complety from blocks to start with then give it more definition using detail blocks such as stairs and slabs

if you are making organics for your build try to give them an intresting pose so it looks as if they are moving

Look at images of real buildongs and use these as a refrence of your builds

When Building always consider where the player will be standing if you fly around alot while making the map you will see the build diffrently to how a player will see it

Buttons may seem more morden then levers

Always use refrenece pictures for your builds although yout ideas may be great in your mind the proportions may look of and buildings unsupported when you actually come to build them

When building try to make everything with odd number lengths

Be ambitious but also relistic many projects fail because they are too big or simply impossible

Get inspired its ok to be inspired by other people take their ideas and change them into yours

Dont be afraid to expermint

The interior of a build is as important as its exetrior however you need to make sure it is built to the same scale using diffrent types of blocks and elements

Make sure everything is relative to the size of a player

For your map has to be functional as well look good

If you are looking to build your map making reputation in the minecraft commuinty include your online name in the map itself like for example the best map maker i know McMeddon

Every good adventure should have some command blocks

When using command blocks use /say (your text) you will see an @ symbol

Although texture packs can transform minecraft into a diffrent game sometimes its nice to create a vanilla map
Speaking of texture packs check out mine Here

Never Give up sometimes its hard to find a solution to a particualar build problem

Dont be afraid to make wild decisions when it comes to block choices. If you move away from classic themes and common block arragments your builds automantically become more unique

Mange the height level of areas that are accessible to players a playing area with height will always look more adventurus than a flat floor

Gemetric arrangments make good mazes as players can easily lose their senses of where they are

Create intersting path ways that will attract players due to their natural curisoity

Allow players to look around the whole adventure from high viewing spot

You dont know what texture pack your players are using so build things that look good when the defult texture pack is used

Thank you for reading!
Redstone 101 Becoming a redstoner (also with jigarbov)

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