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Tips for Server Owners - Getting Players

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Max James's Avatar Max James
Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer
So it's come to my attention that a lot of new servers seem to die very quickly, due to a lack of playerbase. I used to co-own LumarCraft, one of the most popular tekkit raiding servers (until it shut down, that is), and I'd like to share some tips to you new server owners on how to get some players onto your server!

Tip One - Lists:
This one should be obvious for you all! Get on as many server lists as you possibly can, and have your staff vote everyday. If you want to further this process, install votifier and give your players rewards for voting. By doing this, players stay happier, and you get more players! I recommend listing yourself on the top 14 server lists out there, to maximize the chances of you being found by players. You never know which server list people will click on when they're trying to find a new server!

Tip Two - Word of mouth:
When you start getting two or three regulars on the server, tell them to invite their friends! This will make sure they're never bored playing on your server, and this will help the server economy, and allow staff to make connections with players. New players are also more likely to stay, if they see a familiar name, or a friend on the server!

Tip Three - First impressions:
This one is a biggie! You know how a lot of people seem to get on your server, you have a pretty nice spawn, a few people say welcome, and the usual jazz. A few things you can do to help grab players and keep them on are:
  • Perfect your spawn! Make sure it's not too overwhelming with rules, but still gets the information across.
  • Have all of your staff say: "Welcome ! Let us know if you have any questions!"
  • Make sure your rules list isn't 30 blocks long of signs. Keep them simple, while getting the point across.
  • Have a unique spawn! This will make players want to explore, since they haven't seen it before.

Tip Four - Quality staff:
Bad staff will be the death of your server. The way I've always done staff is I have them apply on the servers forums, and then you accept or deny it, explaining your reasons for doing so. Then, you give them a Trial Moderator rank for a week. This will assist in rooting out the people who only want staff for abusive purposes. You know, the people who are in the PMC chat saying: "Can I be staff?", "Oh I'm really good staff". Those are *not* the type of people you need protecting your server.

Tip Five - Be unique:
No one wants to play on a server that they've seen 50 million times before. You need to be unique. Think about what great ideas you can implement into your spawn to show you're different than all the other Faction kit PvP servers. A lack of clever and new ideas will cause the players you've been working so hard to have join, leave in 15 seconds of joining.

A small disclaimer:
In no way shape or form am I saying these are the only ways to get and keep players. I am saying what has worked for me in the past, and will help new server owners start to get players. If you have suggestions of your own, please comment them below to help other owners out!

Well thanks for reading guys, if this gets good reviews I will write more blogs about this subject. Thanks for stopping by! If you liked the post, please leave a diamond and a favorite! Leave me some feedback in the comments! Remember to check out my other Tips for Server Owners blogs as well!

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09/16/2015 2:23 am
Level 40 : Master Explorer
avrona's Avatar
As someone who owns a server that is vanilla and self-hosted (but not survivial),this came very useful.
10/03/2013 9:05 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
VexVoidx's Avatar
Hey man, could you make more blog posts for server owners?
Max James
10/03/2013 10:31 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer
Max James's Avatar
I was planning on it! I released one yesterday for how to choose staff! These will most likely be daily or bi-daily blogs.
10/01/2013 8:09 am
Level 25 : Expert Hunter
bigf's Avatar
That picture is very... attractive.
Max James
10/01/2013 3:39 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer
Max James's Avatar
I know! I thought so too. ;P
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