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Tips For Being A Good Moderator For Servers

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Allons_Y's Avatar Allons_Y
Level 22 : Expert Pig

Welp, make sure you always welcome new players. Always. They'll see your friendliness and be eager to continue playing. It's one of the biggest keys to keeping players ;) 

Whenever someone asks a question (assuming it's logical), make sure you're the first to answer it. Try answering the actual question fully, and then give your own opinions on what to do from there. Ex: "How do I earn money." >Normal, full answer: Sell things to shops, auction them, vote, or even donate. >Extended answer: Sell things to shops, auction them, vote, or even donate. I know where there's a shop btw. Just tell me if you need to sell anything! Never EVER tell someone to look it up. If you can't answer their questions and you've given your best advice to try and help them, use a phrase along the lines of "You can try using the MineCraft Wiki. It usually has useful information, and it probably will give you more knowledge about the subject than I can. 
Sometimes you get illogical questions. Just answer it to the best of your ability and just try to defer from saying anything negative about it. Just shake your head and carry on ;) 

If you have a forum page for your server, always be active there, as well as in game. 

Besides that just follow the set-in-place server rules, and you'll be fine. Be flexible with your position (if you get it that is :P), don't just be a uniform staff member. Try to stand out, positively! 

Anyways, hope I helped a bit.

If This Helped Please Leave A Diamond!


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11/29/2015 9:54 pm
Level 22 : Expert Pig
Allons_Y's Avatar
Depends,Are You A Moderator?If Not,Tell Them What Problem They Have With You,Talk To The Owner.If You Are A Moderator,Well You Still Ask Them,Other Wise Do Your Job And Mute Them.If This Doesnt Stop Them.Tell Me The Server IP and the People Who Bully You.Ill Deal With Them And Trust Me,I Have Experiance With Being Bullied.Most Important Thing Is To Not Let Them Change You,Be YourSelf AND DONT BE AFRAID.
11/29/2015 7:22 pm
Level 46 : Master Technomancer
Melancholism's Avatar
I have a question for you--
how do I make people stop cyberbullying me on servers? Like, if I say one thing they go all crazy and it makes me feel stupid. Plz help! 
11/29/2015 5:17 pm
Level 22 : Expert Pig
Allons_Y's Avatar
Is It Better?
11/29/2015 1:53 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
irritatedCat's Avatar
You might want to change the text color to all black, or just a darker color. I had trouble reading it and my eyes are watering up (literrally).
11/29/2015 2:37 am
Level 43 : Master Procrastinator
DecafDawren's Avatar
If only more server moderators were doing this...

P.S: Doctor Who FTW !
11/28/2015 10:36 pm
Level 22 : Expert Pig
Allons_Y's Avatar
Jeez Thanks for That Tip
Pootis Looti
11/28/2015 8:42 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Caveman
Pootis Looti's Avatar
The title is a bit misleading considering that there are moderators for PMC here. You should probably end the title with something like "for Servers." Hope this helped!
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