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Time - Money Everyone Has

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Phetagorah's Avatar Phetagorah
Level 43 : Master Skinner
Time flows inevitably. Everyday, the new replaces the old and the old soon fade away. We cannot deny the fact that we can't live forever. Soon, we will be replaced by a new generation. A completely different generation that either might be better than the one that came before it or worse. Few more years into the future and that generation will soon again be replaced by another generation. It's an endless cycle. 

Everything counts but everything cannot be accounted for. As you think about it, the smallest of things such as tilting your head to the right or left means that you are spending time. There is not a single second or a milisecond or a nanosecond that you don't spend time. With time by anyone's side, you couldn't be anymore rich. 

We can't exactly spend our time the way we want it since we can't account for every second of time. Time - the strangest word indeed. 

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05/01/2015 5:45 am
Level 21 : Expert Dragon
Comfy_Dragon's Avatar
Nice :)
04/30/2015 1:17 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Dolphin
Masq's Avatar
Hmm a thought-provoking blog, and an interesting read.
04/30/2015 12:13 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1665509's Avatar
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