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Three Romance Anime reccomendations

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Kirigiri's Avatar Kirigiri
Level 78 : Legendary Princess
Code Realize - 10/10
Three Romance Anime reccomendations

Carida Beckford has a deadly skin melting poison inside her body making it impossible to touch anyone and so she is locked away in a house. After royal Guards break in to capture her Cardia meets Arsène Lupin, a chivalrous thief, who helps her kidnaps her from her kidnappers, She soon finds herself on a journey with Lupin and his friends to find her father, who holds the answers to her mysterious condition.

Code Realize is my all time favourite of the otome anime genre the artwork is beautiful, its less haremy and more obvious who the main character is going to end up with and so theres more time to build up romance between Cardia and Lupin
I also enjoy how even though cardia is unable to touch characters phsyically she is able to touch them emotionally. I wish this series had been longer just for the simple fact that I loved the anime so much 12 episodes went by too fast but every week i found myself anticipating the next episode. The ending is especially satisfying because its really intense! my only complaint which is minor is the character of Saint Germain who i just fount REALLY IRRATATING and i'm glad they didn't really give him much time with precious cardia
Dance With Devils 8/10
Three Romance Anime reccomendations
Ritsuka Tachibana, a seemingly normal school girl suddenly finds herself caught up in an age-old war between devils and vampires at her school, with both sides believing she knows how to find the forbidden Grimoire they will stop at nothing to get too her.

I love the style of the characters in the anime, the heroine is very down to earth but at the same time she can make a few *cough cough* IRRATATING decisions which i will not go into because well SPOILERS! and although i could feel the chemistry between her and most of the characters, it got REALLY weird with one of the guys when somting is revealed about him. I loved the ending but at the same time it left me disatisfied because although unlike in kamigami no asobi she ends up with a particular guy its just mildly irratating how the anime ends and I would have liked a few more episodes to properly conclude it, but i hear theres gonna be a movie of it so i anticipate its release

Kamigami No Asobi 9/10
Three Romance Anime reccomendations

Yui Kusanagi is the daughter of a shrine keeper. She finds a mysterious sword, which transports her to a different world where she meets gods from different belief systems such as Greek, Norse, Egyptian, and Japanese. Zeus intends to teach the meaning of love to the various young gods who attend the school, in an attempt to strengthen the bond between gods and humanity.

I especially love Kamigami no Asobi because unlike in a lot of Otome based anime the main heroine Yui is not a complete pushover and has actual hobbies apart from being the love intrest of a group of hunky guys. Speaking of hunky guys THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL the art style in general is, but the gods have a real etherial apperance about them especially Apollon and Baldr, my only improvement would have been developing yuis life outsidde of the magical world zeus took her too, if i had been writing the anime, i would have had yui transported to the magical world at the end of the episode and make the anime 25 episodes long because it was really good and i wanted to watch more of it.

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01/31/2019 12:44 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
enuoia's Avatar
Code Realize looks interesting!
01/31/2019 3:19 pm
She/Her • Level 78 : Legendary Princess
Kirigiri's Avatar
It's really good, its got this whole steampunk vibe about it which is AWSOMEEE
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