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This strange minecraft world... (New glitches found!)

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HeavyPickaxeGuy's Avatar HeavyPickaxeGuy
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Me and a friend have set up a server, and while discovering it's lands, I found a couple of glitches.

1) Floating snow?!
I found this a couple of times, but I only made a screenshot of it now. It already has been seen a lot of times. There is even a screenshot in minecraft wiki's site!

2) Octopuses fly, cows don't
This was found by accident. I found it while I was building a castle, which I might upload as a project soon. It looked strange at first, so I took a screenshot of it. Expect to see ink falling on your head!


3) Dissapearing clouds
I found this by accident too, when I was crashing some glass.
The thing with this glitch/bug is when you click glass (so it will almost be destroyed) clouds showing through it dissapear. You might not see the bug correctly in the image link, but there was actually a cloud there

4) Sand says: Screw gravity!
This was found in one of my worlds, in a desert. I was exploring the map (look at my rank...) and found a lake, thought it will be useful. And I found something that outstands the minecraft physics, Flying sand!

5) F5 mode+water
I found this ages ago, and I thought I'll add it now The thing is, when you are in F5 mode, go into water, and make you camera up, you can see through water like in real world!

6) Wolf in a desert?
This was found just after the Number 4 glitch. I know there is a forest nearby, but it would stay in it, would it?

I'll try to find more! Post any glitches you found in the comments!

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09/09/2011 2:38 pm
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
Khanz's Avatar
1. Floating snow can happen because of the generator, believe air blocks are solid. BUG
2. Lag glitch, mostly on open servers, can happen on SSP too. BUG
3. Not a glitch, just that things behind cannot be rendered when the hitted object changes textures. BUG
4. Connected sand, can be generated. Destroy the core blocks and the sand will fall. BUG
5. Obviously, since only once your head is under water it will change your lightning. NO GLITCH
6. Spawned in the nearby grass. NO GLITCH
08/31/2011 11:51 pm
Level 40 : Master Crafter
Tminator's Avatar
heres something i found one time: I made a new world and as i was walking i saw a tree that was half birch and half regular brown tree O.o (maple or something idk) I took a screenshot of it but unfortunately I havent uploade it to anywhere so i cant post the link
09/01/2011 6:14 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
HeavyPickaxeGuy's Avatar
Well, that's strange! I'll try to find it, or any other glitch
08/31/2011 9:50 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ranger
Uvile's Avatar
what is the skin your wearing?
i like the hand
09/01/2011 6:10 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
HeavyPickaxeGuy's Avatar
Its an edited version of my friends, 199ty
08/31/2011 9:39 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ranger
Uvile's Avatar
i made a trap on a server and i did the samw thing with floating snow and it was a trap and i had god then whoever stepped on it theyd fall FFAARR down into lava :P
08/31/2011 5:59 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
KHankinson's Avatar
Had the same findings, but more interesting ;)! I had random patches of FLOATING water, and I had like 50 dungeons on the surface, and on the sides of mountains sticking out, they were everywhere!
08/31/2011 6:15 pm
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
HeavyPickaxeGuy's Avatar
I once had a dungeon on a beach without a roof, which ment the sand fell down on it. It was a spider spawner so I had luck. I found a disc and 2 saddles that day!
08/31/2011 5:25 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Goblin
necrontyr's Avatar
ive seen water on an edge that it should just fall off of but nothing like that
09/01/2011 6:15 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
HeavyPickaxeGuy's Avatar
I've seen that too, unfortunately, no screenshots :(
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