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The Winter's Fang: Part One

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JediJerboa's Avatar JediJerboa
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
The wrath of winter thrashed him in a violent flurry of iron fangs, the armored helm stinging at his temple with a venom of frost. The poison numbed his already cold guise, his eyes frozen in a chilling glare that rivaled the raging blizzard’s frigid apathy. Despite the unrelenting torment upon his weary bones, the slow beat of his cold heart forced him to trudge through the blinding barrage of winter’s wrath. His steps fell slow through the depths of the fallen snow, every inch of his armor encrusted with crystals of ice and other burdens of ornamentation. As the storm’s whips of snow lashed around his haggard frame, the warrior finally spotted the blight piercing through the vast blankets of white. The glaciers ran across the icy terrain like a scar, stained red with the pain and anguish of its previous victims. The warrior gazed upon the glaciers’ spears, only to bear witness to a scene of carnage and savagery.

Their heads were displayed in a gory totem of victory, impaled by icicles gleaming crimson with the jewels of frozen blood and sweat. Their faces contorted with grotesque joy, the pale blue lips of their faces curling into sickening grins and harrowing shouts of jubilation. The warrior stared into their emotionless gazes, uttering foul curses and growls under the chill of his breath. These soldiers were fools, their blood inebriated with the toxic draught of victory, they allowed their swords and shields to court the cold mistress of death in their drunken stupor. So intoxicated were their minds that even the warriors who remained sober of war still fell prey to the powerful brew, unyielding to the warnings of the frostbitten vigilante of the land.

Despite their lethal folly, the barbaric sculpture of their mutilated corpses defiled with shards of ice tarnished with scarlet gore sickened him with its disgrace. The sinful deeds of the soldiers no longer mattered to him anymore, as the fiery rage sparked within him burned with hatred at the dishonor of the beast’s cruel punishment. He looked into the carnage once more, his fists clenching tighter as their pitiful expressions cried out to him silent anguish. Everywhere he looked, their eyes followed, their petrifying gazes clawing at his soul with pleas for salvation and penance, howling his name in horrifying unison with roaring gusts of the snowstorm. The ghastly flurry ravaged at his soul, the blazing inferno of anger and disgust slashing at his heart with the painful scorch of violence. Finally, the blaze erupted from his chest in a belligerent howl, his fist smashing against the glacier’s walls with crippling force, the cracks shattering the horrific sight into fragments of dismembered warriors and frozen spears.

He sighed with defeat, the ice on his breath chilling the remaining cinders that still singed his shivering heart. He kicked at the dregs of beast’s war monument, surveying the snow-ravaged victims for any trace of a murderer. But as he cast the eviscerated carcasses of noble warriors from the frigid glare of his sight, the iron of his boot embedded itself in the binds of a soldier’s garment. In a fit of mild frustration, he ripped the trappings from the snares of the metal plating, snarling as pulled the vexing snag into his glacial stare. But his brumal growls soon turned to tepid silence as he gazed into the lifeless visage of a familiar apparition. After one glance into her compassionate eyes, he melted into the depths of the snow, tears gently thawing his gelid expression with the embers of grief and sorrow.
Creditparshu for the thumbnail

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01/28/2017 8:29 pm
Level 29 : Expert Blacksmith
striker107's Avatar
Amazing, absolutely amazing! This protrays so much emotion, it's a beautiful combination of descriptiveness and intensity. Again an amazing story.

Diamond for you!
01/28/2017 6:18 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
parshu's Avatar
WOO HOO best story evaaa love it and im waiting for more :D
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