Minecraft Blogs / Story

The Unknown Player

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Toaster_Boi's Avatar Toaster_Boi
Level 42 : Master Toast
I spawned in this world, years ago. And now, I wonder why I was brought here, was I the chosen one? Was I, a mistake? Or did someone take me here? Back when I was in Alpha, I remember seeing another person, but with white eyes, I questioned, then by 1.13.2 Update Aquatic, he came back, and then. Everything Changed
You betrayed me, he said
You acted like a brother but know, it's my turn to get my revenge, he said

So now, I feel like my like is ending.

And his name was Herobrine

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10/29/2018 2:20 pm
Level 42 : Master Toast
Toaster_Boi's Avatar
I hope you guys enjoyed that unofficial story.
It never happened, but if it did, I would've deleted my account and made a new one

(I have only played Alpha and Beta a few times and that wasn't when the game came out, like last year, and a little this year)
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