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The Twins ~ continued ~

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Grimwolf_666's Avatar Grimwolf_666
Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
Me and Emma had to share a room...I made sure that I got the bed closest to the window. Oh and while we were settling into our room, I was going through my bag and I found my diary. I was looking at all the pictures I had drawn when I was at my special spot, a tree outside of our house that I hid at. I...I don't know if I want to talk about it...the pain...the hurt...and the anger. *sigh* I don't like my parents....they're um... How do I put this.... Brutal. Yea and that's how its been ever since me and Emma were 5. Maybe that will explain why I created a few weapons to keep me safe. And I don't understand where my talent with animals came from but I know for sure, me and Emma are definitely not like our parents... If they even are our parents. Right now I'm sitting on my bed looking out the window ...I can hear all of the sounds, leaves falling, wind blowing, and all of the smallest sounds. I have a heightened sense of smell and hearing...I don't know why but so does Emma, we always have each others backs. All of a sudden I hear Niko whine and Skully goes into hiding waiting until he's needed. I look at Emma as she quickly puts her phone in her bag and hurries over to my bed. BAM! The door slams open...me and Emma are scared, I grab my dagger and hide it behind me. Emma knows I'll protect her... I made her a promise when we were 5 and a half, I'll always be there to protect her no matter what.

"WE TOLD YOU TO PUT THE FOOD UP!" Both of them say.

"No...you didn't" I said angrily.

Both of them step into the room. I can already sense what they're about to do. I grip the dagger tightly in my hand and as the advance into our room. In less than 30 seconds i somehow was able to injure both of them and end up back in my spot next to Emma. The walk out of the room slamming our door shut..as they do so I can hear a lock click, And then their footsteps leaving our door and heading upstairs...then a door slamming.


I turn and look at Emma and see her crying in the corner on my bed. I quickly rush over to her and hug her.

"I made a promise remember."

"I wouldn't ever let anything happen to you."

I release Emma from the hug and look at her. She's stopped crying but I can tell she's still upset.

"Sky I think they p-put a lock on the door."

"I know Em."

"Just pack a bag... Few clothes and blankets."

"Ill get us some food from the kitchen and I'll make sure Skully and Niko have some stuff as well."

I turn and look at Emma to make sure she understands and I see her nod. I quickly pack a few clothes and put them in Emma's bag and I get my small katana, my dagger, and my crossbow with my arrows. I then head over to the window and unlock it but I don't open it just yet...I head over to the door and pick the lock. Hey what can I say, human friends can teach you a few tricks. Emma looks at me, astonished...I put a finger to my lips and she knows I'll explain later. I quietly open the door and listen to make sure the cost is clear, and then I head towards the kitchen with a bag and put canned food and a few water bottles. I also grab some stuff for Skully and Niko but not much because they usually hunt for food. It was something I taught them when me and Emma would have to go to bed hungry at night. I quickly but quietly return back to Emma and see she has everything ready to go I bring our devices just in case. I make sure the door is locked and then I walk over to the window I let Skully and Niko out first and then I help Emma get out and then I go. I shut the window. I look around us, I breath in the air it was nice I could smell deer, rabbits, flowers and trees. I felt a special connection to the woods and mountains. I look at Emma and I can see she has that same feeling. I call Skully and he perched on my shoulder and I ruffle his feathers.

"Emma, are you ready?"

"Oh uh....yea..I think."

"Well lets go then, we are gonna want to have a shelter by nightfall since its November."

Emma runs over to me and I can see her eyeing my katana. I hand her a dagger and show her where to put it. I can see her smile a little as she admires it. I take Emma's hand and lead her into the safety of the woods with just our wolf and raven to protect us.


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