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The Troubles of Making A Username. [Creative Blog]

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jakesoboy01's Avatar jakesoboy01
Level 38 : Artisan Caveman
Hey there guys and gals, Jake here with a blog about usernames. We all have that moment in a game or website when we want an cool or magical username right? Well here is a blog about it from my perspective! :D Thanks for reading!

Troubling Usernames
We all have that moment when we go onto a website or game or something like that and it asks to make your username and is mostly used for online purposes right? We all want to have a cool username like DraugrEater47 or DeathBeGone or idk. (I just made up crappy usernames xD) Then it all looks crappy as others. Honestly, making a username is hard especially if it is going to be used online and people see it. They want to be like, "OMG that dude has an awesome username. I want to use that. :3" Well we all can't have that. There is always a time where you can't think of one. Like me, whenever I make a new account and it asks for my username, I'm like, "I need a good username. What sounds cool? LiveOrDie19, OrkSlayer21, ZombieHunter56? idk." We all want good usernames that's the truth am I right? Well guess what? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! or maybe you can, idk. Don't we all wish we had awesome usernames? Here's some tips!

+ Favorite Movie
+ Favorite Army
+ Favorite Era
+ Basically anything you like
+ Add "XxX or xXx" i.e. xXxRenegadeXSoldierxXx (That's a cool name *o* I should've used that.)
+ Add numbers based on age, fav number, or just a random number. i.e. "GoodJohn12, LongJim36"
- Don't add too many numbers to your username. "GreatScott832423543" It looks weird and will be hard to remember.
- Don't just add random letters. "cVcHunterCraneMfM"
- Don't make it look emo. "LongLiveDeath"
- Don't make it look racist or any type of bad thing. "BlackPeopleHaveSmallDicks321"

These tips probably suck but idk. Actually I might know or maybe not. Anyways, hope this helped! If it helped you DIAMOND, if you loved this FAVORITE, if you want more SUBSCRIBE!

This is Jake going... going... GONE!

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01/01/2014 4:55 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
GrayPluto's Avatar
Actually, in my opinion using xX___Xx or xXx___xXx or Xx___xX etc. looks strange and just... immature... I guess.
12/31/2013 9:03 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragon
LeopardPrints's Avatar
I wish for a different username, instead of TheWhovianFemale, I'd like one of these:
ALMOST anything with "Printz" as a prefix, I'm not sure if that's the right word or not.
01/01/2014 12:21 am
Level 38 : Artisan Caveman
jakesoboy01's Avatar
You mean suffix. :P prefix is before so it would be like PrintzEnder
01/01/2014 1:07 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dragon
LeopardPrints's Avatar
Alright, I knew I got something wrong :P
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