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The Story of Travisa Inc. (P1)

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TravisaInc's Avatar TravisaInc
Level 51 : Grandmaster Programmer System
in the 1950s. 20 year old Dr. Amusa purchased a very big salt mine which would as the foundation of the Travisa Inc. and then Travisa Inc was started by Dr. Amusa. who then hired Astronauts, War Heroes, and Olympians. and then the enrichment Chambers were built and then the Travisa Spheres were built which includes deadly test chambers that the astronauts, War Heroes. and Olympians must complete. and rather then build downwards Dr. Amusa elected for a unorthodox approach and started building upwards. Starting at 4 km deep and building upwards. and as the leading Science Company at the time Test Subjects waived their fees. despite the horrifying nature of Dr. Amusa's Experiments. some of which are too disturbing and SHOULDNT be said on this timeline. the funding allowed Travisa Inc to build more Travisa Spheres by 1959.
Eventually the horrifying nature of Dr. Amusa's Experiments caught up to her but due to her lawyers. nothing major happened. and then the bottom section of the Travisa Inc Facility was sealed off officially due to "Cosmic ray spallation Elements". however the Greatest Blow to Travisa Inc was the alleged rumor of missing astronauts in their Test Chambers which nearly resulted in bankruptcy.
Dr. Amusa somehow managed to keep her company intact. but started feeling ill. due to the FLU passing around but she quickly got better. and Travisa Inc futher expanded in the seventies with new Travisa Spheres erected and a new access level opened, the financial peril that Travisa Inc landed itself in also resulted in minor cutbacks. with the elegant grayish plastic paneling suddenly started being used in a variety of different colors. which made the offices more colorful. and then Travisa Inc complete its most greatest achievement. a drydock built 3975 m below the surface in its main facility which is located in Urkes Ohio. which contains the RMS Domic icebreaker ship which is rumored to have powerful teleporation tech.
Travisa Inc was aware of the laws it was wrongfully breaking. but due to the powerful Lawyers that Dr. Amusa had. nothing really bad happened to them. and also
maintaining secrecy
Employees were mandated to alert supervisors if they spotted a journalist or government official, including inspectors for Public Works, OSHA, and the Department of Energy, Government Accountability Office accountants, FEMA coordinators, Nuclear Regulatory Commission representatives, police officers (plainclothes and unfirmed), MSHA mine inspectors, and officers from the ATF, FBI, or US Marshals.
Then Travisa Inc started succeeding even more in the 1980s. and then they built a entirely new but more modernized facility and renamed it to the Travisa Inc Computer aided Enrichment Center in order to test the Hopper Gun. the walls in the test chambers in the Enrichment Center would be green and black (green is concrete and the black is metal) but Dr. Amusa realized she wouldn't be alive for the 2000s and then conquered up a plan and then she began to research on Brain Mapping, Acritical Intelligence and being remorseful for not doing Research on Brain-Mapping and Ai in the
fifties. Dr. Amusa told her scientists to make her Assistant Everyln the new CEO of Travisa Inc and to upload her brain to Dr. Travisa even if she protested against it. Dr. Amusa succumbed to her sickness a couple years later in 1985/1986.
After over a Decade of Hooking up Travisa to the Central AI Body. Travisa started to be called Dr. Travisa and then Dr. Amusa was uploaded into the Central AI Dr. Travisa against her will.
During that time, the Travisa Inc Red Phone plan is implemented in case Dr. Travisa appears to become sentient and godlike, requiring an employee to sit by a red phone on a desk in the Dr. Travisa chamber's entrance hall.[
by 199x Dr. Travisa's verison is 3.31.
and then in 199x Travisa Inc released Several new testing elements.
and then in 200x the untested AI of Dr. Travisa was activated for the first time. within 9 prioseconds Dr. Travisa locked down the facility and then began her evil plans of spreading neurotoxin throughout the facility. which killed all the scientists except Dr. Jack Alex who managed to rightfully hide in the BTS Areas and then escaped to the files room and then re-arranged the test subject and raised Marinette (redacted) to Number 1. in hopes that she could defeat Dr. Travisa. the Travisa Inc Hopper Gun was already done at this point in time. and its a device that instantly teleports the User to another place in the testing Chambers.
During that period, Half-Life 2 is released which allows Players to return to the role of Theoretical Physicist Dr. Gordon Freeman and the game later spun off a Fan-Made Physics SandBox mod called GMOD which then got put on Faucet and sold for only $9.99 Dollars.
The Story of Travisa Inc. (P1)
Travisa Inc's Main Logo (Made in Ms Paint)
Dr. Travisa's Appearance.
feel free to turn this into a Portal 2 mod. you don't need my permission to do so. but you have to ask me if you can use the characters in this story for the mod.
Travisa Inc is based off of Aperture Science.
The Story of Travisa Inc. (P1)


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