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The Story of TheNewTK421 In LBC's PMC Lore.

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TravisaInc's Avatar TravisaInc
Level 51 : Grandmaster Programmer System
TheNewTK421 was born on June 26th 196x and then he attended school and quickly accelerated through it and when he got to Middle School he quickly accelerated through it and Ended up Graduating High School Extremely Early and then he attended Collage and became friends with Everlyn and got access to her ring which was round and black with a thick band with a bright green glowing cat paw and 4 diamond shapes on the front and then he hid it in his chest on his desk at home and then he graduated collage and became Friends with Aloin Sculks and then they were recommended a job from Travisa Inc by Everlyn.
TheNewTK421 quickly started working with Travisa Inc Animatronics which are HIGHLY Sentient and are fireproof and waterproof and are completely made out of Hard Thick Plastic and then he got into a thick rivalry with LegendarySi who was trying to get Dr. Amusa to be in love with him but he and TheNewTK both lost Dr. Amusa to IGEBM and so then they spoke to DarkGEBM666 who was IGEBM's Canon Brother but he refused to respond and blocked them on BlockiTube and TraviBook (TraviBook is a parody of Facebook but run and operated by Travisa Inc) which angered TheNewTK421 and Blapperturemesa and then they spend several weeks demanding DarkGEBM666 to speak to them and then it all culminated in a massive brawl happening at the ICola shop the next street over in Travisa Inc the ICola shop was the most popular Restaurant in Travisa Inc and LegendarySi works there but he broke safety rules by filming the massive brawl and then they all got off scot free due to being friends with Dr. Amusa and it was all kept hush-hush

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08/31/2023 7:28 am
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Wait... I'm dating Dr. Amusa... this is deeply concerning...
09/01/2023 3:46 pm
He/Him • Level 51 : Grandmaster Programmer System
TravisaInc's Avatar
09/01/2023 4:09 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Are they a boy or girl…? (I can’t tell lol)
09/01/2023 4:25 pm
He/Him • Level 51 : Grandmaster Programmer System
TravisaInc's Avatar
Dr Amusa is female havent you read the story of Travisa Inc P1 it says Dr. Amusa is a female.
09/01/2023 5:41 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
lol now I remember (my mind has been taken up by other things since then)

and thx for the info
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