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The Siege of Olistan

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mythicaljay's Avatar mythicaljay
Level 46 : Master Wizard
This is a squeal to my story The Tale of the Darkwood. You will want to read that one first to get a better understanding of the story. Enjoy!

  James was tired from his long journey to the Mystic Woodlands. Finally, after weeks of searching he had finally found the Misty Valley. And in the valley, we found the woods of paradise. Only the second man to find them. After stopping at Torville, and telling Mason Codner of his journey, he set out for Olistan, the capital of the Olistinian Empire, which was only a two days journey from Torville.

  He rode to the top of the final hill, and the sight was magnificent. The city spread out before him in the valley with the castle in it’s center towering above the city. James entered the city at dusk, just before the city gates were closed. He traveled to the famous Merryville inn, had a meal, and went to bed.

                      ~ ~ ~

  BOOM! James jerked up in bed. The inn was shaking from the noise. BOOM! A fiery explosion erupted from a nearby building. James jumped out of bed, grabbed his belongings and weapons, and raced out of the inn. He ran through the streets, past frantic parents leading their children to safety and past many knights running to their posts. Fiery arrows flew into the city from the other side of the wall. James raced to the wall, and ran up a staircase to the top. As soon as he got to the top, he saw the whole attacking army before him. There were thousands. Some were firing arrows over the walls, and others were carrying ladders to try to scale the walls. At the top of the hill, two catapults were launching flaming projectiles into the city. James immediately joined the fight. He fired arrows at the attackers, and shoved down as many ladders as he could, but the enemy kept coming.

  James saw another of the catapult’s fiery balls launch, but not into the city. It was aimed straight at the city’s nearby gate. The flaming orb hit and the whole wall shook. The gate exploded and large boulders flew into the air. They rained down near to James. A little too near for comfort.

  James ran toward the destroyed gate. He drew his sword and entered the battle. He slashed left and right. Ducking under one sword, and blocking another. He was very tired from his quest and the fight, but he kept fighting. He would protect this city.

Soon, he noticed that the attacking force at the gate had dwindled to only a few. The rest were fleeing the scene. James looked up and saw why. A catapult was loaded and aimed his direction. It launched. In horror, James watched as the flaming projectile flew straight in his direction. He turned and ran. BOOM! The world exploded around James. Fire whipped around him. He found himself weightless, and noticed that he had been launched into the air by the explosion. He crashed through a thatched roof and slammed into a large pile of straw. Thankfully, he had landed in a stable and was fine.

  He got up and left the stable. He ran back toward the gate. The attackers were pouring into the city with renewed vigor. James knew what he must do. He must take out the catapults. He raced up the nearest staircase onto the wall. He ran across it and leapt off the wall, cannonballing into the moat. No one had seen or heard him land in the moat; so, he quickly swam out and ran up the hill toward the catapults. As he neared them, he looked for a way to destroy them. Five men guarded each catapult. Then he saw the key to his success. He saw the men roll a large stone through a liquid and load it into the nearest catapult. The men lit it on fire and launched the ball. The ball exploded when it hit inside the city.

  James acted quickly. He raced toward the cart holding the fluid, and slashed his sword at its wheels. The front wheel broke under the weight of the fluid and the fluid spilled out. It flowed right under the two catapults. The guards jumped into action, but it was too late. James grabbed the flaming torch that was on the first catapult and lit the fluid. It burst into flames. The men started yelling and running away. James ran too, knowing what was about to happen. He ran a couple yards and jumped down a small embankment on the edge of the forest. BOOM! The catapults exploded in a fiery blast that knocked James out.

            ~      ~      ~

  When he woke up, he was in a bed somewhere in the city.

  “You’re awake,” a voice said.

  James looked and saw King Freelian II sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. “My king,” James said as he tried to get up; but lay back down, wincing in pain.

  “Don’t get up. You are very hurt,” the king said. “I must thank you though. You have saved my city by destroying the catapults. I was also told that you fought bravely and helped hold back the attackers at the gate. Thank you.”

  “Your welcome, sire. I was just doing my duty.”

  “By your belongings, it looks like you were about to go on an adventure.”

  “I was not. I have just returned from one.”

  “Well, once again, thank you for saving the city. You can stay here until you are well. When you are, we will discuss a reward for your bravery.”

  “I need no reward, your majesty.”

  “You will be rewarded. We will discuss it when you are well. Rest well,” the king said as he got up. The king left and soon, James drifted off to sleep. He had saved Olistan.

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