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The Rise of the Fallen (Part 1 and 2)

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Tooper_Man's Avatar Tooper_Man
Level 28 : Expert Mage

The Rise of the Fallen

Part I,

Change of Plans

I wake up early, so I won't be late. It's finally come, the moment where I finally come to be a man. At the age of 16, every male is sent to the King's arena where they will show their bravery. But there is always 1 person who is sacrificed to the gods. But I'm sure that's not going to happen to me, I've been working at the farm for years, protecting crops from those pesky little chickens.

I set out and leave an unfinished sandwich behind at the breakfast table, I'm just to excited to eat. My Aunt Betty is already sitting in the wagon with Golem when I step outside.

"What took you so long?" Betty asked impatiently.

It's my big day and she's complaining about me... I just role my eyes. She saw me do it though.

"Who do you think you are mister, just acting like-" I stopped listening and hopped on the wagon with half a smile on my face. Some things just don't change.

It took 3 hours to get to the arena. I went to the shack with all the other 16-year olds before the ceremony. I took out my book and started to read in the corner.

After 1 more hour, the ceremony began. When entered the arena with lots of screams and whistles from the crowds around the arena. We lined up in front of the king at the center of the arena. I looked around to see if I could find my Aunt Betty, and sure enough, next to Golem stood and old lady with silky white hair.

Then, suddenly gasps spread through the crows as a purple sphere hit the ground in front of us. Smoke arose and a figure wearing shiny blue armor stepped out of the smoke.

"And I present to your Ruler, Lord Pharuct!!! Like it? Thought I'd make a few adjustments to my normal entrance." The audience around us clapped and whistled. The Lord took a step back and glanced over all of us.

"I'm going to make a few changes this year," Pharuct took a deep breath, "Out of you 50 boys, only 10 will participate. The 40 boys will immediately become men, and the 10 boys will be tested on their strength, bravery, and intelligence. The three who catch my attention the most get to be my assistants." Many shouts of excitement went throughout the arena and most of the boys next to me.

"Also, out of the 10 only those 3 will survive. If you want to be in the 10, take a step forward." Everyone, even me, gasped in horror. I mean, that Lord is completely insane. But, without thinking, I stepped forward. I mean, I couldn't control myself, it just happened! I also saw 7 more people on either side of me take a step. I saw Ricardo acting as confused as me after taking a step forward. Weird.

"Come on now, don't be shy." Pharuct said it like it was an easy decision. I turned to my right to see little Benjamin hesitate then take a step. He took a step back, changing his mind, but Lord Pharuct didn't permit that.

"Surely you don't want to turn back now, imagine how disappointed your family would be. Plus, once you go forward, there is no way back."

After that speech, the person right next to me in my right stood straight and took a step forward. Of course, Julian always wanted to look good and tough. Show off. But of course, I left my mouth shut.

"I think it's about time we begin." Pharuct said it with such excitement, I can't even believe he's a human being.

The Rise of the Fallen

Part II,

The Deadly Ceremony

I'm starting to think I should've been born as a girl, I sure wouldn't have to go through all this. At least I know I'll be seeing Notch in the afterlife soon, I think. What am I thinking! I slap myself in the face while Lord Pharuct is sending the 40 others to somewhere else. When he comes back, he has 2 of his guards each carry a chest each to the arena.

"I call this, Mob Arena. Each of you will get something from these chests," he pointed to the 2 chests,"and the people watching will be placing bets on each of you, they can throw whatever they have into the arena to help you, note, other people can steal the items thrown to you. Good luck..." I heard him mumble the words: You'll need it.

Right after he stopped explaining, everyone except for me and 2 others swarmed the chests. By the time I got there, there was a hoe, and a piece of string. I reached out for the hoe, but Zerk pushed me out of the way.

"Ow, what th-", but Lord Madman blew the whistle and yelled,"Let the mobs out!" There is no reason not to hate this guy... Seriously. I stand up to see probably 2 dozen zombies coming out of each end of the arena. I decide to stay in the middle, thinking the zombies would take longer to reach me.

As I stand in the middle, I look around and admire the structure that I will soon die in. The walls were made of various kinds of sandstone. If only I had one of these... The thought left my head as a hand popped out of the dirt beneath me.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" I shrieked as I ran away from my spot in the center. As I walked away from the zombie, I noticed there were only 8 others fighting in the arena. Splash! I stepped on something and it splashed all over my face, I put my hands to my face to clean it off, that's when I noticed it was red. I casually looked down. There on the dirt lay the body of Benjamin, one of his legs were missing and there was blood flowing out of the leg like a river. Benjamin's skin was pale, like a vampire's.

Poor Benjamin never had a chance. But I moved on quickly in horror. His pale face had reminded me of my dad, he had died after being shot in the chest by a skeleton when he was teaching me how to harvest apples from trees. I tried to think of something else, but couldn't.

Well until I heard my Aunt Betty's super scream, "Watch out, you're gonna get yourself killed!" I turned around barely out of time, a zombie had just come at full speed and tackled me to the ground. As it tried to kill me, I pushed his head away every time he tried biting me. I did not want to end up like Ben.

"Help!" I yelled over and over again, eventually, I was yelling so much, I didn't even notice there was nothing on me anymore. I stood up and turned my head around confused. Then I notice a 3 block tall Iron Golem standing beside me.

It was Golem, I couldn't believe it! I glanced up at the crowd to see Aunty Betty wink at me. I hugged Golem tight for 3 seconds before realizing I was still in an arena filled with mobs.There were 6 others still alive. I walked towards the center again, this time ready to fight.

I picked up a wood sword and a chain helmet from some one who I didn't know. He didn't seem to have any bite marks in him, strange. I heard a splash and I was filled with nausea. I sat down and threw up until my stomach hurt, when I looked up again, I saw a green-skinned woman wearing black in front of me. Golem tried coming at the lady, but he wasn't going to get her in time.

"How do you like my witches?" Lord Pharuct's voice boomed from his throne. His voice made me grow angry, he was the one who made me fight in this arena! I'm not going to let him and his stupid mobs kill me, I thought. I stood up and charged at the witch. She threw a potion at me, but I dodged to the right. Once I got close, I slashed with my sword and beheaded her, she vaporized into white mist. I took a deep breath and watched the other 5 fight.

I saw Adam, a skilled hunter, shoot 3 witches in a row in the face with the bow. Zerk was stabbing a witch in the chest with a stone sword, even when she vaporized, he kept stabbing at the mist. Julius strangled one witch to death then punched the other one on arm so hard, she missed her throw and ended up dying from her own potion. Robert... he tripped while swinging his sword at a witch, and the sword flew in the air. Thanks to gravity, the sword flew down and stabbed Robert in the butt. He took the sword out of his butt and killed the witch, but now if I were him, I wouldn't even sit down. Of course Lord was watching.

"Know what? I'm taking this one to be my entertainment! Hahaha!" He wasn't kidding. 2 of his guards went in the arena an escorted Robert out of there. And then there were 5.

Then last of all, Ricardo. That guy had nothing, only a stick. He was running around chased by 3 zombies and 1 witch while waving his stick like a magic wand. First time I laughed in the arena right then.

Suddenly, a giant crack formed in the ground, it widened and widened until it was 20 blocks wide and divided the arena in half. Then, giant fluffy marshmallows and rotten-faced pigs with the ability to walk came out of the crack. Then, the marshmallows started crying and spitting fire. Never eating marshmallows again.

To be continued...

Or will it? (It will)

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12/01/2013 10:51 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Answer
hotguysixpack's Avatar
Love it, and that random ending too.
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