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The Regnum Messoris 3 | Myster Mentiri [Creepypasta]

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Abdera Associate's Avatar Abdera Associate
Level 28 : Expert Button Pusher
"How did this know that the bodies were missing their left eye?" Officer Jamison interrogated, "That information was explicitly kept from the public."

"The lab boys back at Abdera don't know for sure why or how these posts came into being. Because of this, we're not sure how they got the information." Replied Mr. Jekyll, "We even have found it absolutely impossible to find out the locations of the authors. We have the most advanced computer labs in the whole Fabric of Reality; and, we still can’t find them."

"Wait! What do mean by 'the whole....'"

"That's not the point Officer Jamison!" Mr. Jekyll interrupted in an unusually angry tone. He then collects himself, passes Officer Jamison another blog post as he says, "Now, I'm sure you're dying to find out about the dehydrated corpses."

Officer Jamison is taken aback by Mr. Jekyll's outburst. He quickly regains his composure, "Well, yes! Assuming that these are actual accounts of some of the victims."

I'm not gonna waste time telling you who I am as I am unimportant in this story. This is about my friend, Thomas. Now he was a generally happy man, you would rarely see him down about anything. Until, he lost his job and his parents in less than a month! He was really down; and even though he tried to hide it, you could tell something was eating at him.

Well, as I said, Thomas got really down-and-out. Like, I was afraid that he was losing his will to live, until one day when he told me about this interesting dream. It started with him in a black void sad, alone, and afraid. Then, a man with a face of light appears in the distance and calls out to him tells him all these about him that sounded great and really lifted his spirits. Things like: "You're smart!" "You're good looking!" "You'll see your family again!" and, "You can get a better job than the last one!" After a while, the man encouraged him to come closer. But, when he moved closer, he woke up, feeling much better about himself.

Every night, the light-faced man appeared in Thomas' dreams. Always telling him encouraging and bloating things. After a while, the man starts carrying out friendly conversation with him, and even tells him his name: Myster Mentiri. That name didn't sit well with me when I heard it. I told Thomas to be wary of this dream, it's just not right that there seems to be another mind in his dreams. But, when I spoke to him this he got snippy. He then told me not to worry and that he was going to take another nap, before closing the door in my face. While I sat on his doorstep thinking about what to do about this new addiction of his, he was having another dream.

In this dream he saw Myster Mentiri standing only a few feet away. He was clad in an unusual black suit with a cape and a top hat. His head looked like some sort of lantern giving off a strangely appealing light. He asked Thomas to step closer; and like a moth to the flames, he stepped within arm’s length of Mentiri.

Suddenly, the light in the lantern left and a fire-like demented face appeared within as he grabbed Thomas by the neck with one hand. "You fool!" said Myster Mentiri in a booming voice, "You surrendered so easily!"

"W-what are you talking ab-bout?"

"The truth. I feel like you should hear the truth now, before you perish."

"Were you lying to m-me?"

"Not the entire time, I told you what you wanted to hear. Which were mostly lies. Some were the truth; but, not anymore."

"But why?"

"Because, you were weak and I need some help manipulating physical objects to help my friends out of their prison."

"If they're anything like you, then I won't let you do this!" Thomas then threw his fist at Mentiri, smashing the lantern. And inside, there was nothing, not even the flaming face that was previously seen.

"Hahahahahaha! They are much worse than me, and there's nothing you can do to stop me now, I'm already in control."

As this conversation was taking place, Thomas' body was leaving his house. I followed to see where he was going. I followed for an extremely long time trying to get him to respond to me; but, he wouldn't.

We eventually arrived at an old abandoned laboratory. There was a sign outside, it read: Abdera Science's Institute of Fabrical Sciences. While I read the sign, the person who I thought was Thomas went inside, I caught up to him and followed close behind. We weaved our way through the decaying halls of the facility eventually coming stopping at a door. The sign outside said: A.S.T.R.R.L.A.P. Generator Control Room.

Inside, were a lot of computers and control panels. There was also a large window, and beyond it was a large room with some sort of machine. It looked like it was composed of two rings, each resting on two tires spinning furiously. The rotating rings were also spitting out some sort of... ...well, I can't quite describe it, other than a wispy distortion of space-time.

Thomas' body was pressing buttons and pulling switches. I tried to stop him; but, he stopped me and said in a voice that wasn't his, “Don’t stop me! Unless, you would like to die now." If I had known what he was doing, I would've tried harder to stop him.
Moments later, the wisps got pulled back to the heart of the spinning rings and what I can only describe as a gateway to a realm of incompleteness formed within them. Thomas was then released, and when he saw me he asked, "Why are you here?"

"I was following you." I replied.

"It wasn't me you were following."

"Yeah I understand that fact now, you were unresponsive and didn't speak with you own voice. So, if I may ask, who was it?"

"Myster Mentiri."

Suddenly, there was ruckus that rose up. We looked back at the machine, and before the portal was a T.V. headed humanoid, large clock headed lizards, and a judging eye. We quickly ducked behind the control panel, filled with fear.

"There's no use in trying to survive this." said Thomas, sorrowfully.

"What makes you say that?" I replied, shocked at my friend's returning depressed demeanor.

"It's the truth, what's the use in trying to escape when we're all going to die anyway." Thomas looked at me and in the voice of Myster Mentiri he said slowly: "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust." Upon saying that, Thomas dissolved into a pile of dust. Horrified, I ran, I ran out of the building and went home.

Later, I saw on the news that people were dying and disappearing. And although I had no proof, I knew what was the cause of all this. It was and still is the result of those monsters escaping.

If you've made it this far, then you must to some degree know this yourself. Unfortunately, there's no point in running. They'll be waiting around every corner. We're doomed, all of us. We're all going to die....

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust....

Previous Chapter: Click Here

Final Chapter: Click Here
CreditThanks to my friend "Nobody" for helping me create Myster Mentiri.

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