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The Pressure of Popularity

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BNKookie's Avatar BNKookie
Level 58 : Grandmaster Technomancer
Some people out there might shrug it off. Others might worry about. But the fact is: The more popular you get... ANYWHERE, people will most likely have higher expectations of you (if not all the time).

If you have over 100 subscribers, that means that 100 people are depending on you to make a good blog, project, or skin. If you screw up once, the audience will probably forgive. Screw it up multiple times, they might unsubsribe OR the best case scenario, your post just doesn't get many views.

This is probably just me but the more people that direct their attention towards me, the more I feel nervous :D. 

How do you guys feel about getting in the spotlight? 

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02/28/2014 9:16 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
PixelCrash_'s Avatar
This reminds me of a funny story. When I first became really active on PMC, I was scrolling through the blog section and happened upon one titled "How To Become Popular On PMC." So I read it and was appalled at the blogger's suggested methods; begging people for diamonds, sub 4 subs, ripping off other people's content, and writing about what everyone else is. Scrolling down, I saw that one of the people in the comment section was similarly disgusted, so much so that they declared that they were unsubscribing from the guy. I was about to post a similar comment, when I realized that this was so over the top that it had to be a joke. So, I instead asked him if it was. Sure enough, he replied saying confirming my suspicions.

Anyway, that's my pointless story.
02/28/2014 8:37 pm
Level 41 : Master Mage
TaintedEnergy's Avatar
Wow, I never thought about it this way. Diamond For you...
02/28/2014 8:48 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Technomancer
BNKookie's Avatar
02/28/2014 8:19 pm
Level 24 : Expert Toast
nolez15's Avatar
Thank God that everything I produce is gold.

02/28/2014 8:48 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Technomancer
BNKookie's Avatar
lol haha :D
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