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The Piston's Lament: A Block's Poem

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Lojend's Avatar Lojend
Level 22 : Expert Scribe

The Piston's Lament

A head, a base, and an arm
You use me for your farm
My gray base, and my arm, brown
Up down, up down, up down

It takes someone very clever
To make me move with the flick of a level
And fix me when I breakdown
Up down, up down, up down

No one ever wants to stay
If they do, I'm forced to push them away
I'm used to being letdown
Up down, up down, up down

My work makes me monotone
But on and on I must drone
There's no patience for a holdup
Down up, down up, down up

Four stone, one iron, three wood,
add redstone dust, and then you should
get me, the piston, who gets no thanks
The guy stuck at the bottom of the ranks
I do the work, I push your blocks
I make hidden doors and piston clocks
The power to move blocks is given to me
The only other with this power I see
Is you, the player of the game
So shouldn't we be the same?
A head, a base, an arm, a frown
Did I describe me or you?
Up down, up down


2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Lojend 12/28/2016 12:48:36 amDec 28th, 2016

Added a title image!

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12/28/2016 1:22 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
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12/28/2016 10:44 am
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
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I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :)
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