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The Outline of a Golem - The Finale

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bethenna's Avatar bethenna
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
The final Part of The Outline of a Golem! Please enjoy it, and be sure to leave a diamond or even subscribe if you have enjoyed the story! Thanks :)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Chapter 7 – Traitor

For a moment I’m not sure what to do. Maybe I should remain still, staring into his eyes until he makes a move, or I could stand up and knock him flying as I did in our last meeting. Both of them seem like a bad idea to me, so it’s lucky Steve speaks first. “We’re not your friends. What do you want from us,” he says coldly and sternly. HeroBrine simply turns around and walks away. This is our chance to get out of here. I stand up quickly, but I’m far too big and heavy to do it quietly, and noticing the noise he violently spins around. For a split second as he looks at me I swear there’s hurt in his expression, which is quickly replaced by another cruel smile. That’s when I notice exactly where we are, standing on a bridge leading to HeroBrine’s fortress. The bridge is held loosely over a pit of lava and on both sides of it sits a ghast. Turning only slightly it’s not hard to notice the great number of blazes hovering in the sky around us. It’s a weird feeling standing here with hatred gazes being cast upon me from all angles except from the right where Steve still sits crouched in a bowing position. It’s like being a traitor surrounded by your own people, the one’s you betrayed. Because that’s sort of how it really is. For the next minute or so the atmosphere seems cold and silent, until the HeroBrine stands himself up straight and claps, a slow and mocking clap. “What an absolute honour it is to have you here,” here jeers. I narrow my eyes. “The legends state you as great heroes, what a treat for us.” He pauses and looks around with a crooked grin before continuing. “The legends state you rescued the realm of Minecraftia from a state of utter destruction. Do you know what these legends say of me?” “The legends say you’re jealous of me,” interrupts Steve confidently, standing up. For a moment I’m not too sure if he understands what he could have let himself in for, and I’m worried for him. The HeroBrine looks outraged. “So, you’ve got us? Well done, really,” he continues sarcastically. “You know, it’s funny you seem to think you’re all so powerful… You got us, but where’s Notch?” he questions with a mocking tone. I don’t like where this is going. HeroBrine opens his mouth to say something, but closes it. “I am the ruler of this realm, Steve, no need to worry about Notch.” I can’t help but notice the particular stress on the word ‘Steve’ as he speaks. If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that the HeroBrine hates me, but not as much as he hates Steve. They must have been throwing cold insults whilst I was lost in thought, as I’m very confused when my name is mentioned. It’s something I haven’t heard for years. They’re both staring at me in expectation, just waiting for me to speak yet I don’t know what to say, and there’s something in the distance catching my eye. A black shape like a giant moving shadow is proceeding towards us. “Well?” asks HeroBrine impatiently, before the dragon smashes into the bridge. The impact of it is so colossal it blasts both me and Steve right off of our feet. It’s so explosive he must have been knocked unconscious in an instant, and I was so confused I missed the ghasts ejecting balls of flaming fire and the deadly battle taking place on the bridge before me. I must have been out by the time the floor was scattered with corpses and the Pig-Men dragged the HeroBrine seething, away to the safety of his fortress. I was only really totally aware of what was happening when a figure strode up to me (the same figure that had slain all of the Hero’s minions) and held out his hand to me. He informs me that I have to get up, come with him and prepare. There’s no need to wonder what we’re preparing for. Its war, and this time there’s no getting out of it…


Chapter 8 – The Decision

Steve, Notch and I ride the Ender dragon to the ruins of what seems to be an old nether fortress from the Battle of Minecraftia, where we lute all the armour and weaponry we can before returning to our previous location and marching up to HeroBrine’s stronghold. I can’t help realizing that there’s no-one to guard the patronisingly oversized doors or keep watch from the turrets. There’s no-one to march orderly up and down the spacious hallways and retain a close eye for intruders or to defend every doorway as if the whole world were to collapse in on itself if they didn’t do so seriously. The wailing spirits circling the sky are now sinking in pits of lava. The iron song circling in the air is now lost forever. As much as I try only to remember the few positive things that happened in this place, it’s hard to do so without being reminded of everything else. This place can’t help but to bring back haunting memories I’ve tried to conceal in the back of my mind and I know I need to get out of here as soon as I can to prevent myself from going completely insane. I’m holding the sword that sent the HeroBrine back to be locked in this hell in my hand, dreading the moment when I’ll be forced to use it for a second time. After a few agonizing minutes of organised searching, Notch beckons us into what used to be the HeroBrine’s meeting room, yet it takes me a few moments to respond. I’m too busy inspecting the rose on the window ledge. I’m sure I’ve already mentioned it, but he used to tell me all about all about the roses Notch had grown all over the land and how it was his favourite flower… I’m sure he did, although I wasn’t sure if he still cared, and now I’m even more confused. Before I have to time to re-think it, Steve tugs my arm, and I follow him into the meeting room where we’re met by a pair of glowing white eyes. The HeroBrine is slumped awkwardly up against the wall with a blood-tipped sword in his lap. Steve prepares his stance in a striking position, waiting for attack; however Notch soon relaxes him, placing a hand on his shoulder. The Hero looks up wearily into Steve’s eyes. “Won’t you come over here to defeat me?” he questions mockingly. His arm lies awkwardly across his stomach, and I can tell he’s hiding a pretty nasty wound beneath it. “Come on then,” he continues, now nearly expressionless and shifting uncomfortably against the wall. He knows this is his last chance, so it’s clear that he’s attempting to play the ‘poor me’ game even though nobody’s falling for it. For a few moments after that the room goes still. After a pause HeroBrine laughs, although it’s not really a funny laugh or a sinister laugh, it’s a sorry laugh. I wish I could tell him he never needed to do this. I wish I could tell him that I’d love for somebody to create a whole world for me. I wish I could tell him I’d love to have a friend created for me. I wish I could tell him that Notch seems a reasonable guy and that if he apologised now we could just try to just forget about the whole thing. I wish I could say lives never needed to be lost over this. I wish I could explain I still cared… Not that I can tell him anything. He glares into Notch’s eyes and for another moment nobody says or does anything. “I’ll accept your apology, if you take your chance to say it.” The atmosphere is chilling. “My apology?” says Notch. “You want… my apology? You want my apology when you were the one who brought all of this upon yourself?” If I could I’d tell them to stop I would, but I fear it’s too late for that now. The argument is heating up. “No, you mean you did,” HeroBrine insists calmly. Notch shakes his head slowly. “I honestly-” he begins, before he’s cut off by Steve. “You’re clearly mistaken, ‘Hero’. The way I see it, you’re the one acting like a stuck up-” Uh oh. “Wrong!” hisses HeroBrine, scrambling to find his balance before steadying himself against the wall just as he did when I pounded him into it back at the village. “You were always the special one really weren’t you? You get it all, the proper name, all of Notch’s precious attention. If anyone’s ‘stuck up’, believe me, it’s you!” he yells, flicking his sword about with pure anger as he speaks. “YOU are the one acting like a spoilt child! Simply because you were there first and you couldn’t handle not having all the special treatment! Why? Because you are sick and twisted, and I am better than you can ever be!” screeches Steve who’s striding forward and yelling in rage too now. “How dare you say such a thing? Notch thinks I’m bad but you’re twice as worse! You weren’t exactly nice to me were you, just as you’re acting now! ‘Oh I’m so much better at everything than you Hero!’” HeroBrine continues, mimicking a whiny voice. “I was here first and all you ever did was to show me how to do everything, boast about you and Notch and blah blah blah.” Steve’s expression screws in anger. “I don’t see you being so perfect now,” he jeers, “do I HeroBrine?” Suddenly the room becomes blanketed in a deadly cold atmosphere, and then next thing I know the two men have their blades pointed, and are charging headfirst towards each other. I can’t let them do this. For a moment my whole world spins in slow motion. I know it can’t end now, not like this. I charge as fast as I possibly can into the middle of them. I have to choose. Yet inside I know that if there was ever a decision I had to make between the two of them, between Steve and Herobrine, that there’s always going to be one very clear choice. The choice that I have to make now, in this split second…

Chapter 9 – Cold Apologies

In a flash, I’m swinging my powerful arms. I thrash Steve so hard into the wall that I swear it makes a dent. Seeing this, Herobrine immediately halts in shock, yet I pick him up and hold him by the scruff of his neck before he has a chance to snatch the sword out of my hand and attack Steve further. So there it is. Hesitantly, Steve stands up, rubbing his head in confusion. In disgust, Notch folds his arms. I can’t help but notice that he’s neither spoken nor made any contribution whatsoever so far. Herobrine? He’s staring me in the face with a mixture of hatred and thankfulness, yet mostly hatred. At that moment I realise something I’ve known for a long time. I’ve never agreed with this, never. That’s why I left him. If I could have said something, anything, I would’ve, yet I have no voice to do so, so what action do I take? I glance from face to face, an unpleasant expression painted on all of them, it’s pathetic. They’re frustrated and to be quite honest, after all these years, so am I. And with that I thrust my sword to the ground with such power that it bangs off the walls, clattering. There, that’s what I think of your stupid war. I drop Herobrine to his feet and stare impatiently at all of them. Standing straight, Notch finally opens his mouth to speak... “It’s not your fault,” he says finally. Herobrine looks up from the floor, he’s still unhappy. “No, no it’s not,” he agrees. “It’s yours.” Notch doesn’t even appear deny it. “You were...” he begins, wearily “My Hero. Perhaps I should have consulted you before-” “Before you created an exact copy of me who was ‘better’ at everything than I was? Just, like I didn’t even matter, like I was just some kind of cheap model that you could so simply remake without even a care for the old one? A-and when you finally figured out that maybe, just maybe I did care, you ignored me? You didn’t even take my feeling into account, Notch. You favoured him.” Herobrine accuses, purposefully interrupting Notch. “I never favoured him over you,” Notch protests. “Oh really?” snarls Herobrine. “Because you sure didn’t act as if that was the case.” I sigh, looking down to the floor sadly. I wish they’d understood that I’ve had enough of fighting now. My action clearly meant nothing to them. “I’m with you,” Steve says quietly, reading me like a book, although he says it loud enough for everyone to hear. I know this isn’t his fault, well, not purposefully. I refuse to look at him. “Well? Can’t you see?” he continues, shifting uncomfortably. “I mean, this guy’s an inspiration, right? I mean, no matter what… he’s stuck to what he believes. He didn’t like ‘The Hero’s’ ideas? He made a decision to stop them, I mean, maybe not the right one but still. I think we’ve all had enough…” After receiving no response, he continues. “Maybe it wasn’t worth… all the lives…” I look up, to see him also looking sadly down at the ground. The three of us stand in silence, waiting for him to continue, but he doesn’t, I guess there’s no need. I was never expecting a miracle or a revolution, and certainly nothing close to what I got. The solution was never going to be that simple, yet I guess it didn’t need to be…


Chapter 10 - The Outline of a Golem

They say long ago, when the land of Minecraftia had existed for many years and had seen many conflicts, that what at the time seemed the impossible, was achieved. Unity. In the old scriptures that tell of such legends, there’s a symbol. Some refer to it as the shadow of a man; others say it’s the outline of a golem, but can’t find a meaning for it. But I know the truth. I suppose in life, after hard times... we learn to forgive each other. So long after the ‘3 protectors’, Notch, Herobrine and Steve had united; we were all allocated a Realm by Notch. He walked upon the surface of the peaceful realm, whilst The Herobrine continued to tend to the Hell realm, ‘The Realm of Fire’. Steve gained the power of The Ender Dragon, who reminds me of those Endermen who I’ve never trusted, and although he still visited the peaceful realm, like me, he now roams in the islands surrounded by the dark sky. What do I do, you may ask? I’m welcome in all of the dimensions of Minecraftia, especially The HeroBrine’s. It seems to me that our close friendship didn’t die off along with the war as I’d expected. Other than that, I remain a legend. Or at least I try to. Although I often have little to do, I’m fine. I say fine, what I really mean is at least it’s better than the endless regrets I used to recite over and over in my head when boredom came a long time ago. Before it got better. Have you heard what they say about what it was like before? I have, yet I can only wonder who they are. It seems to me that they know everything, about the legends, I mean. What worries me is that I don’t know who wrote the ancient scriptures, only that it was one of them, and that there’s a final chapter in the scriptures, except nobody understands it. I do. I see right through the words on the page. I know that that chapter was meant for me, and I feel as though I’m supposed to know. The chapter’s words, they’re words from my past, which I fear will haunt me in the future. Words with a silent meaning, words I would read aloud if I had a voice, yet there’s no point, because I know I’ve already read them…

“Men of free will make their own decisions,

Yet out of honour or regret, is a different matter.

Soldiers, those who fight, men of iron,

Are those who know secrets of which cannot be spoken.

They fight away the future they know is coming,

Trying to delay it.

Yet it’s coming,

It’s always coming…

It’s the light in the dark,

It’s those who you’ve never trusted,

It’s the thorn,

On the rose…

Decisions of the past,

They’re coming to the inevitable future,

The future men of Iron fight,

Yet peace cannot stay forever,

Many fear it’s already gone,

Many fear it’s already here…”

It makes me feel dark to read the words. Something is coming, yet at the moment I’m not sure I wish to find out what ‘it ’ is. To most, those words are known as the final chapter. To me, it’s the final warning…


Thanks so much for reading!
Fact: If you've read the whole of this story, you've read approximately 5,492 words!



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12/17/2013 4:17 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Creeper
ABlindSniper115's Avatar
Nice! A story that actually has effort put into it... rare as it is, but a story that encompases Herobrine and still doesn't suck? Nice job. Diamond for ya!
12/17/2013 4:20 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
bethenna's Avatar
Thankyou for your support on the story, I tried my best to make it an interesting read so I'm glad that you enjoyed it :)
12/17/2013 4:30 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Creeper
ABlindSniper115's Avatar
The one thing I'm going to offer some constructive criticism on, is that at some points it is hard to tell who is talking. Other than that, great job!
12/17/2013 4:37 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
bethenna's Avatar
I know, someone else has mentioned this too! Thanks for the criticism I'll keep it in mind as one of my improvement points. I might update the blog and put separate speech into lines if I have time aswell. Thanks for your comment and thanks for reading the story :)
11/30/2013 6:48 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator
Elizardbeth's Avatar
At first, I thought you had dropped the story all together. Nice to see the finale here at last! Good job ^_^
12/01/2013 3:56 am
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
bethenna's Avatar
Yeah sorry, I had alot going on in my life.. and alot of homework! Glad to see that you enjoyed finally having the chance to read it :)
12/02/2013 10:11 am
Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator
Elizardbeth's Avatar
(it was a bit hard to understand who was saying what and what was going on, though)
12/02/2013 10:27 am
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
bethenna's Avatar
Haha, sorry if you felt that way :P That's just the issue with long sections of dialogue though! I'll make sure to keep an eye out for that if I ever write another story on Pmc :)
11/30/2013 4:39 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
TRTrident's Avatar
:D nice
11/30/2013 5:41 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
bethenna's Avatar
Thanks for reading and appreciating my story :)
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