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The Outline of a Golem - Part 3

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bethenna's Avatar bethenna
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
Here is part 3 at long last! I would've posted earlier but my pc was acting up! Enjoy! :D

Part 1: http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/the-outline-of-a-golem---part-1/

Part 2: http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/the-outline-of-a-golem---part-2/

Finale: http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/the-outline-of-a-golem---the-finale/


Chapter 5 – The Hell Realm

I’m not too sure where I am, in fact I don’t know at all. My vision is so clouded, like some kind of dream you can’t quite understand, except not a dream, a nightmare. It all looks so bright, and yet at the same time so dark. I can make out that the walls consist of some kind of maroon coloured bricks, aswell as that on the other side of the room there’s a-

“Hey Rusts,” says a familiar voice. However this time I don’t mind him calling me that, because I know it’s him, it’s really him. The real Steve. “I honestly haven’t seen you for a few years! You ok? You didn’t look so good when they brought you in,” he continues wearily. They? I take a look at him from across the room, only to discover that he’s heavily bruised and chained to an iron board. I try to move towards him to help him, but diamond chains hold me still. He sighs. “No hope getting out of there,” he tells me sadly. It’s followed by a short silence. “You know what happened to me?” I lean backwards against my board and look at him expectantly, my way of saying - yes carry on. Before saying anything, he looks around nervously and then leans in towards me. The last time I’d ever seen him he was a brave man. I’d wonder what it is that’s gotten him so worried, but I’m sure I’ll find out soon enough… “Well, I was in my house,” he begins, “a-and… I had myself some emeralds - you see, I’d just been mining. I was up in my room categorizing my things into chests…” he explains, slowing down as if trying to recall a distant memory from somewhere in his mind. “Then I hear this noise, like lightning! I thought it was going to rain so I went outside to gather in the sheep but then you’ll never guess who was at my door!” I try to look puzzled. Who? “Notch!” he exclaims, as if Notch hardly ever visits him. “He told me that somehow a void between the hell realm and our realm had been opened, and there was this massive ball of lightning in the sky! He told me to take him inside because he needed to talk to me but then all of a sudden I turned round and his eyes-” he says slowing down again all of a sudden and leaning in closer. “They were bright white! And then I woke up here!” Well that explains a lot. I want to say it was him I saw, like how he’d seen Notch. I want to ask if he’s ok, and where all of the bruises dappled across his face came from, but I can’t. I shouldn’t be here and neither should he. Wherever it is that ‘here’ is and whatever has happened we need to get out of here. Then all of a sudden the doors to the room fly open and two figures step through. I recognize them well, too well; the Hero created them to guard his fortress too so if they’re here then that can only mean one thing. The one thing that I was dreading to be the truth behind what has been really going on all along…


Chapter 6 – The Voice of a Golem

The old legend tells of Notch’s amazing sword which he used to finally bring the so called ‘Hero’ down in the olden times, the period which is now known as ‘The Battle of Minecraftia’. I know it’s not entirely true to say it was all Notch, after-all, I played my part too. My story is long and complicated. Although the HeroBrine created me, I didn’t quite agree with his message. He’d given me all I needed; his trust, great strength, a purpose and a voice. I’d often tire of guarding a fortress nobody dared to attack, so no matter how stupid it may sound now, I would sing. I would sing of the glorious realm the Hero told me of that Notch had created for him. I’d sing about the trees, the grass, the flowers, and the lakes, all of which I had only heard about. I’d sing of the stories he told me, and all about the evil Steve and how the Hero was going to be ruler of all the realms in perfect balance. The ghasts and the blazes would all gather to hear me sing, like I was the only bit of happiness in their lives spent locked this hostile and shadowy hell realm the HeroBrine had been sent to as punishment, like I was the light in the dark to them, or something like that. None of us were really happy; we just lived every moment as it came. Nothing had existed in the hell realm before the Hero came, and then we were all created from the dust and lava beneath us, or at least all of them were created from the materials of such a place. The hero had me carved from materials he’d gathered in the peaceful realm of Minecraftia. He appeared to have a special place in his heart for me, giving me time off guarding to spend talking to him in his chambers when he wasn’t away fighting. That made them jealous. I stood by everything the Hero said, I knew no better. I would’ve died for him, until one day whilst we were talking, something slipped out and I began to doubt all of the lies he’d told me. He would forever talk on and on about how beautiful and amazing this other world was, and all about the roses Notch had grown all over the land and how it was his favourite flower. He talked so much that I wondered why he despised Notch so badly. When his answer didn’t satisfy me, my perception of him slowly changed and I left to side with Notch, who used my great power and strength against the man who gave them to me. I knew that I had betrayed his trust, and as revenge he took away the one thing that comforted me through everything. He took my voice away from me. I will forever regret going against him, yet I fear he’ll never forgive me. I fear it even more as the zombie-pig-men free us from our boards and drag us outside before forcefully pressing us down into a bowing position. And then, I fear it even more still as something approaches me, casting a dark shadow on the ground before me and I look up only to find myself staring at a cruel smile accompanied by the same pair of glowing white eyes I had seen previously. “Hello again… friends,” hisses a sinister voice. That’s when I realise just how much trouble the whole of Minecraftia is really in…

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03/28/2014 7:38 am
Level 1 : New Miner
alane's Avatar
Is there a link to the actual map shown with the fortress?
11/29/2013 5:56 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
TRTrident's Avatar
:) luv it
11/30/2013 3:41 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
bethenna's Avatar
The final part is available on pmc now :)
11/30/2013 4:30 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
TRTrident's Avatar
10/31/2013 7:26 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator
Elizardbeth's Avatar
Even if no one else is interested in this story, I can't wait to hear what comes next! Diamond and favorite! ^u^
11/30/2013 3:42 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
bethenna's Avatar
The last 4 chapters have all been squeezed into one finale blog, which is out now :) Thanks so much for reading!
11/30/2013 6:30 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator
Elizardbeth's Avatar
11/01/2013 4:58 am
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
bethenna's Avatar
Thanks for your support :)
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