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The Mushroom Land: II

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Cerimari's Avatar Cerimari
Level 6 : Apprentice Artist
also known as mushrooms, mushrooms everywhere.

I can move around now! No lag on the mushroom island! But when I put Mizuno's mycelium texture back and removed the Simple Flowers mycelium bits..

The Mushroom Land: II

uhh, yeah.

Since the mushroom biome is the main biome for this playthrough, I decided to remove the Simple Flowers resource pack. Oh well, It will be back when I use a different world; it IS really nice after all.

The Mushroom Land: II

There, much better.

Now that the ground looks normal, I noticed the lack of mooshrooms. WHERE ARE THE COWS?!! Oh well, maybe someone else will populate this island. Honestly the best part of the mushroom biome is the lack of ugly scary things. In other words...


The Mushroom Land: II

I got a bunch of coal, no iron, and made a furnace. Wait there's only three trees. And they all turned out to be AZALEA TREES! If my cousins never told me those azalea bushes count as saplings, then this island would not have trees anymore. Seriously I didn't know you could bonemeal moss until last month. I always just ventured into my nearest lush cave and grabbed as much moss as possible each time I wanted to replace the ugly dead mesa biome grass in my vanilla world. (never calling it badlands nope never)

Anyway this island will never run out of azalea trees. Please take a look at my skin in the meantime. It was my first time making a Minecraft skin, and translating the round hairiness of the Lion's Mane mushroom was definitely.. something.

It has a bun at the back of the head too. Perhaps the 3D skin mod would make the mushroom leg warmers pop out. If you saw the concept art from the previous installment, then you may remember the eyes shaped like the bottom half of a circle. The thick lines around the eyes add a cool stylised touch.

Anyway back to the playthrough. I placed the azalea sapling where the original tree grew from, turned around and saw a mushroom friend!! A Maitake Mushroom! It's also known as Hen-of-the-Woods. Here's what it looks like in real life and as my Minecraft friend:

It's a walking mushroom like me, but not very human-like. Its purpose is to spread its spores while it lives it short life. Then it returns to the earth upon death. There are three other mushrooms that do this with The Mushrooms mod, so please look forward to their arrival. It's nice that this once-inhabited land has life again, even if it is far from its former glory.

Anyway time to explore the island and see if I can find any mooshrooms.

Oh! A ruined portal! Let's see what's in the chest..

It was a bunch of gold tools, a couple of obsidian blocks and a magma cream. Uhh. Doesn't that do something in snowy biomes? Idk, I never actually beat Minecraft before because the blazes are scary and I always died in the Nether regardless of the game version.

I continued to venture forth and found a great place worth going to later! With chests, rails, chains and not a nasty creature in sight, perhaps this exposed mineshaft may provide some amazing loot! I definitely need a saddle..

and lush cave stuff too! I love finding cool features in already cool seeds aha~

I went further on my trip around the island and found its second creature inhabitants... GIANT FRIENDLY LADYBUGS!!! LOOK AT THEM GO!! WHEEE!

With no ugly zombies stepping on their larvae and whatnot, no wonder these spotty friends thrive. They also match the spotted toadstools which is cute. I came across a lava pond that was burning a poor mushroom, so I put down whatever fireproof material I had near the mushroom, and hopefully it won't burn anymore. I only had the four granite, an andesite and a cobblestone. Yes the brown cobbled block is granite. I thought it was dripstone at first too. (oh wait I just remembered with Mizuno's dripstone looks like it's pretty dripstone-y).

Night came, and I was like, "you know what? Nothing spawns here during the dark. I may as well explore that mine now and get some wood too. So I went back there.


what are you doing here?!! go away!

I do NOT have the gear to fight that thing, so I just decided to find a bigger cave, far away from that. Idk, maybe it was flying around and got tired and decided to sit in MY mineshaft in MY nice peaceful biome. Oh well, It'll despawn probably. I did find many more mushroom friends though. So many shrooms now!

all the four available varieties are here!

I found exposed Deepslate with DIAMONDS!! YEAH!!!


It was not diamonds. Mizuno's Deepslate lapis just looks similar.. Oh well, maybe that mineshaft has a chest with a diamond or two.

yeah. upon closer inspection this ain't a diamond.

But do you know what was the thing it's meant to be? I thought mushroom biomes were safe from the uglies, but CLEARLY some smelly zombie was nearby, saying "bruhhhhh". There it is, a zombified man:

I bet it doesn't know what a shower is.

Come to think of it, I need bonemeal to grow those azalea trees because they don't become trees naturally like the normal trees. Bonemeal comes from skeletons, which do not spawn on the surface here. Also I do not have a shield and I refuse to fight those things without one. So it was time to go to the nearby birch biome to get normal wood because I also ran out of sticks.

A brief swim across the sea, and I got my wood. Look how nice the seasonal trees are. This texture pack is lovely. It became nighttime by the time I got back to the safety of the mushroom island.

I was not the only one to have made it ashore:

Is Steve the last human alive?!??! Well, he's safe from the zombies now, that's for sure. I offered him mushroom stew the next day. I don't know if he accepted it, but he's not hostile so that's nice.

When I got back, my chest exploded and all my items were astray! I hastily made a new chest and put them in there. Turns out Giant Puffball mushrooms destroy entities if they spawn on said entity. Uhh, that's gonna be problematic in the early stages of this playthrough. Oh well, I'll just make sure they stay away from my sad open excuse of a base.

I remembered you could get bonemeal through a composter, so you bet your sweet bippy I made one and stuffed it with vanilla Minecraft red mushrooms. Mm, bonemeal~
Now there's a new azalea tree!

I smelted all my iron, I'm almost fully geared up with a shield :)) Smelly zombies begone! I went back to the mineshaft to see if the dragon had left yet. It did not leave. And I am NOT fighting an entire dragon yet- I don't even have a bed to set my spawn back here! So I decided to head south and fill out my map a bit. This seed features all the biomes surrounding it, so it's nice to have them all loaded in on my map. I saw LOADS OF TURTLES!!! YEAHHH!! Then a shipwreck, and because there were a load of new chunks at once...

My game lagged again. It's currently too laggy to provide any further commentary, so I'll let the chunks load first and then continue the next instalment of The Mushroom Land when I next open Minecraft.

The first thing I'll do is explore that shipwreck. I had a dream about it this morning actually; in my dream, it was the sunken ship of a group of people who liked to stay entertained with table tennis and jukeboxes. All of that was worn and broken in the shipwreck, but there were two looms (yes: looms not jukeboxes) with unique music disks hidden within. This is not what the actual shipwreck is gonna look like. Although it is a nice touch of lore, and if I'm feeling generous, I'll return and add the details from the dream.

And that's it for The Mushroom Lands. Stay tuned for part three~♡


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