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The Moon Ring- Part 1

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gymnastgaming05's Avatar gymnastgaming05
Level 28 : Expert Taco
Before you read this, I have one more thing to tell you: THIS WAS INSPIRED BY KatieDoo522!
BBBBRRRRIIIINNNNGGGG! the bell rang rapidly. The excited students couldn't WAIT to get out of WaterPod Highschool. They quickly jumped out of their seats. "WAIT! Before you run out like a herd of animals!" Mr. Wu called. Everybody giggled and took their seats once again. "I want everybody to see if Ava was here today, she missed class." Mr. Wu ordered. "Now, you can leave, I will see you after break." "Yes, Mr. Wu!" everyone cheered, then ran out the door.

Meanwhile,  Anna and Abby walked together in the hallway as millions of kids squeezed through them. The poor girls were jostled as they passed. One boy named Eric said to them, "Bet your little friend will get in trouble for missing class today. What an idiot!" he cackled and walked away. But why did Ava miss class? Was she sick? Did she leave early?

5 minutes later, Anna started a conversation. "Why did Ava leave? She loves to learn, and she gets straight As!" "That's true," Abby replied, "But I think something mysterious is happening. She would never miss class. She'd get straight As, so why did she miss it?" Anna thought for a moment. "Maybe it was an emergency." she answered a couple seconds later.

After waiting for a moment, the two girls stood on Abby's porch. Anna gasped. "That's it!" she exclaimed. "That's what?" Abby asked, totally confused. "Well, I know a place she could be at." Anna whispered. That's when Abby realized it, too. "THE CAFE'!" they shouted in unison.

Abby's mother opened the door. "Is something wrong, Abby?" her mother asked. "That shout was ear-piercing." "No, mom, but can me and Anna--" Abby said. "Anna and I, Abby." her mother corrected her. "Yeah, yeah. Can Anna and I go to the Cafe'?" Abby asked, finishing her sentence. "Why?" her mother said curiously. "Because Ava was going to meet us there." Abby quickly answered. "Now, we need to go, bye!" she grasped Anna's hand and ran off. Anna managed to give a little wave and say, "Nice meeting you, Ms. Jerrison!"

"Okay, first stop, the Cafe'. Then the grocery store, then the Hospital." Abby ordered. Anna giggled. "You sound like you're the boss of a million workers trying to keep things together." "Now's not the time for jokes, Anna, come on!" Abby said, tightening her grip on Anna's wrist.

A few minutes later, the two girls entered the Cafe'. There was a bunch of old people, some Skyping friends, some gobbling as much as they can. "Wow, lots of old people.." Anna mouthed. Abby wrote something down on a piece of paper. She wrote:

Manners, Anna. Now you check upstairs, I check down here. Then come back here and wait for me.

They exchanged nods and rode off, searching for Ava. The quest of Ava began.

20 minutes later, the two girls stood where they had started. "Did you find anything?" Anna asked. "I didn't." "I didn't find Ava, but I did find this." Abby replied, holding up a ring. The ring was sky blue, reflecting everything it faced. The ring shined and glowed. "I also found this," said Abby, holding a scrap of crumpled paper. The paper said:

This is the moon ring, shining on its own. The person/people that discover it shall die in 3 days at midnight. Try to find a way to break the curse. If not, death is near.

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03/31/2015 5:59 pm
Level 28 : Expert Taco
gymnastgaming05's Avatar
Thanks for the diamond :) *smile fades a little* but I was bullied on Mineplex
04/05/2015 4:55 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Vampire
Shadedfire's Avatar
erm you could have Private Messaged that
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