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The Mojang EULA changes to servers and rants on the EULA.

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illuminati128k's Avatar illuminati128k
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
I am here and posting this rant about a topic that has been ranted against and talked about lately, The mojang EULA changes to minecraft servers. This is a rant to the people who complain about the mojang EULA becuase I am sick and tired of saying the same exact thing over and over again, I decided I will put all of my points into this blog post.

If you don't already know (Please skip this if you already know) 
Mojang posted a blog about upcoming changes in thier EULA to clarify a few things. The original blog post stated by mojang can be read here: https://mojang.com/2014/06/lets-talk-server-monetisation/ I will sum it up, the new EULA changes make it clear, there can be no more charging for in game items (you can't pay $5 in real life for 40 diamonds) You can also not give gameplay effecting features to people who donate to your server. 

And I ask: IF you are AGAINST the new EULA changes, Please read the WHOLE ARTICLE before commenting. This may be offensive to some and if you are not looking to take an insult, I kindly ask you leave.

My experience on "Pay to Win Servers" 
So I have joined a few servers which had the concept of pay to win. One of them would let you use /speed /creative and fly around and tp to people with VIP+ rank which was around $20. I was really annoyed by these 2 VIPS who kept on stalking me. Then they kept using creative and kept killing me and what could I do? They were in creative mode and flying. The owner didn't care about anything.

Another time on was when I joined this other server and it was survival. Donators could get creative mode god mode and more unfair advantages. And in the PVP world, they pretty much were the richest and everyone who wasn't a donator could not match them in any way.

Yes Pay to win usually isn't that bad but for this, I'm using the worst pay to win examples. In minigames, there are donator kits that get unfair advantages and one even involved being invisible with armor on. They had unfair advantages just for paying, Really? You should not get unfair advantages just for paying. This pay to win concept is annoying.

Response to people who think "Pay to win" is fair.
People defend pay to win saying that you can just get a job and make a decent amount of money and pay why not? Not every donator is somebody who just is spoiled by thier parents. Well so those people who have a lot of money can just get rich with money and the others can get rich by working over 5000 times as hard?

I mean really, those donators just get $100,000 in game which could take 6 hours of straight gameplay to get it.
And there are some younger 10 or 9 year olds maybe 11 year olds who don't have that much money since they are little and they are non-spoiled so they might just be frustrated or use thier parents credit card.

I could very well donate a lot of money to a server, I have $350 in my hand right now, But I have better things I would rather spend it on. Not everybody playing is somebody who has a decent job with a collage degree. I got fired from my low paying job since how do I get high paying jobs since I'm not even to collage yet? And donor ranks can be even $100 but I would very much spend that on other things. I have donated $85 to a server a long time ago and it was not a pay to win server you know that? All I got in return was the ability to fly in the spawn and a few other gimmicks which wouldn't help me with game play at all. 

Now I know what your going to say, that i
t takes just as much time getting money for a job as it does for getting rich on a server (taking 10 hours to get 300 diamonds on a server and working 10 hours for a donator rank for 300 diamonds)  Don't give me that crap.

And it's usally harder to make money for younger people while older people who graduated from collage, they can make money 500 times easier. 

Look not everybody who plays minecraft can get a job okay? some people live in areas where they are unable to get a job at the moment. Not everybody who plays minecraft is OLD ENOUGH to get a job. Not everybody who plays minecraft can get a WELL PAYING job.

Reasons why people rant against the mojang EULA

Typical person wiening about the EULA: The EULA Is blatant crap. Now a lot of people are going to loose thier server because we can't make money out of minecraft, cosmetic items aren't going to get people to donate. And I give things like creative and diamonds to donators as a gift, I'm not selling it. Many servers are going down! This is the end of minecraft servers

My Response: IF someone is starting a minecraft server, they know it will cost them money and they should have the money to pay. If someone likes the server and truly wants to support it, they should be donating. Make a decent server instead of the same old factions PVP server (I'll just save talking about the overhaul of faction pvp servers for another rant) and maybe they will like it enough to donate.

People who are willing to wake up august 1st and find out that all servers or most servers are shut down are out of thier mind.

And if you don't have money for a large server, host a smaller one. Server owners can't just keep thier server running from giving unfair advantages to donators and such. And many people have said atleast 85% of servers are going down. You can have a server WITHOUT restricting gameplay to regular players. 

you can CHARGE access to your server and if somebody really wants to support the server, they can donate money to it. When you donate 4K dollars to charity, do you expect something expensive in return? That's what I thought.
If you want a large server, you should have a lot of money in your hand to maintain it. 

Maybe servers that are very expensive to run which have pay2win to pay for it (like hypixel or whatever), some of those very large servers going down might be good as there will be more attention to other servers.

The conclusion here is, Mojang is not being greedy, I am defending thier EULA changes because they are the one who is right. They are sick of all these pay to win servers and some younger ones taking thier parents credit card and paying for donor ranks without permission. 

There is a difference between donating and buying, LEARN THE DIFFERENCE.

If you still believe that the EULA changes are wrong please click here

n total, many servers are going down because of the EULA. But in ways, people are going to donate to a server if they really like it thus forcing people to have more creative server concepts which people will actually like.

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12/14/2015 9:20 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
GamingNorge's Avatar
I'm glad im not one of those servers that had pay2win doing 3 year of minecraft servers.

To be honest.. i wish "the big" servers was taken down for violating the EULA, but nothing happens so..

I guess the community just accepts that someone big doesnt care.
08/01/2014 3:43 am
Level 34 : Artisan Miner
dragonspirt123456's Avatar
08/01/2014 3:42 am
Level 34 : Artisan Miner
dragonspirt123456's Avatar
08/01/2014 10:36 am
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
illuminati128k's Avatar
Lots of bad servers will go down, yes.
08/21/2014 5:12 pm
Level 44 : Master Engineer
QuinnBlueKing's Avatar
most servers are not pay to win most are balenset just because you can afford donations and are not as good as others at pvp dose not mean you should attack all servers
Da Creepa11
07/19/2014 6:09 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Creeper
Da Creepa11's Avatar
Personally, Only personally I recon they should not do this becuase it helps keep servers such as Mineplex, The archon, big servers like that, stay up, so if they want to take down donations, they are basically lowering slots, and if you cant donate, eventually you are going to run out of money to keep the server up, and then it closes down, making about 1000+ people sad/angry
this will continue throughout Minecraft servers which is basically, possibley, going to c=shut down the most popular servers and you will be lest with ones that are about 5 - 10 £/$/What ever currency to keep up per month/what ever it is seeming as I don't own a server. But eventually no one will want to play those becuase not enough firneds will be able to get on, and you cant OP everyone so they can just join when they want, not can you give them perks seeming as Mojang dont want you to donate any more. But what REALLY REALLY ticks me off is: They aren't doing anything to the Minecraft Realms, So basically its like: You cant pay money to them, only to us. Which means, in short, Minecraft is probably going to become a single player game only. Hopefully no one took offence of this and I ment to give anyone none. I just wanted to type what I was thinking.
07/11/2014 1:56 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Explorer
xPotatoFrys's Avatar
Here is my opinion, I with Mojang on this one. In my perspective, most of my friends only donate for perks, not to help run the server. I think they should be able to afford the server if they want to run it. To be honest, I'd rather have a good small community server with not too much, than a big crowded server.
07/07/2014 8:02 pm
Level 22 : Expert Taco
FLAMESS123's Avatar
A server has to get its money from donations and stuff like that or else they won't earn money, and they won't be able to pay the hosting, and all the other fees that may come with managing a minecraft server. All the servers will not be able to pay the bills and just have to close the server down.
Also, you mentioned hosting your own server. Well it just doesnt work that way. I have hosted my own server and have worked so hard on it, and have put in many plugins such as arena's and minigames and factions ect. to make the server the best playing experience possible, but there is a few small problems with that. 1. There is LAG. If you dont have a huge thousand dollar computer which most of us cant afford, then you'll have some lag on your server. 2. Server slots/ ram. Most people won't have enough slots for much people to join. If you want to make it super fun so you add a bunch of plugins, it will weigh your server down, and you'll have to decrease your slots. And some people want that kind of server. How are we gonna get atleast 10 slots when we want plugins and minigames such as BattleArenas, Mobarenas, hungergames, ect. It just won't work.
That is all I have to say.
07/08/2014 10:56 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
illuminati128k's Avatar
Want to run a server? Have some money in your hand and don't fund the server purely from donations. Can't afford that? Run a smaller server.

Da Creepa11
07/19/2014 6:10 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Creeper
Da Creepa11's Avatar
But if you run a smaller server, less people will join, so you will have to probably remove Mob arenas (etc) becuase there is too little of players.
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