This Blog is an entry in the completed What Makes You a Minecrafter? - Blog Contest #7.

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What a true Minecrafter is like(And my little story)

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CrazyChicken1's Avatar CrazyChicken1
Level 28 : Expert Button Pusher
Some would say Minecraft it's ugly.They would say that the PvP it's lame or the game is for kids.But only us,the Minecrafters know the truth.

We have been told by many not to play this game,but people like our friends or Youtubers inspired us.They made us want to play it.They made us laugh with they're stories.They made us inpatient for more and more Minecraft.They made us get out of the bed in the morning and say" I shall build the biggest statue of PopularMMOS" or "Today I will meet my friends and make a cool redstone machine" or "I can't wait to start playing this mod pack with my friends".Getting out of bed and you first thought being Minecraft makes you a true Minecrafter.What a true Minecrafter is like(And my little story)

And I know,as I am a Minecrafter myself.I am inspired to do many great things in Minecraft.It also inspired me to start Youtube.I always find new games to play but I get bored of them all.Only one game stands Tall,Undefeated,Glorious and Eternal:Minecraft.The game that forever stands tall.What a true Minecrafter is like(And my little story)

Now let me Tell you my story...
In my youth I thought minecraft is a stupid game,as I knew no recipes and played cheap copies of minecraft.But then I watched a minecraft music video and it made me want more so I just kept lookin and lookin after more and more minecraft videos.After a while I just became addicted.I Installed the cracked version and tried to find servers to play on but I couldn't with cracked.I was sooooo sad.But then I found cracked-client compatible servers.I was like"Yes,yes,yes!Hahahahahahihihihii...I can't belive it."
I think that was 2 years ago.

Then the good part comes in that changed my minecraft experience forever.My friend Radu began to play minecraft a lot less so what do you think he did?He gave me his Premium Account!I was like"Are you serious".And yes he was very serious.Then I discovered mods,I found some of the best servers,I applied for role-plays,I made friends,I started Youtube,I watched Minecraft videos and then...I found PMC.I love this community.I actually began to do most of the things I told you after I found PMC.I tried to make a server as well but I didn't want to pay so I gave up.And also someone betrayed me!They stopped talking with me on skype and a few months later I found him making a post on PMC with MY idea!What the heck?!I was pretty mad but I just moved on.I said"He wants to steal my idea?Okay,Maybe I will meet him later and I will give him a harsh talk"

This is the essential of my story so it's not my whole experiance in Minecraft.Cause that would that a LOT.

Hope you liked my story.Thanks to everyone for reading.

Ps and Youtube
PS:PopularMMOS it's a YouTuber.You can go check him out.Also my Youtube link it's

3 Update Logs

Changed the pic : by CrazyChicken1 07/31/2016 4:53:25 amJul 31st, 2016

Changed the picture....yeah that's it...

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