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The mighty country of United States of Kailasa vs Zombies

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Rob333's Avatar Rob333
Level 48 : Master Sus Imposter
Hello hello, little subdit comrades, I'm back to share more news with you! So, why don't we already start?

Let's start with Mexico... Oh Mexico...
In December 8th there was an earthquake in Mexico near to the capital, even if it was kinda strong, it caused no problems for population, then during the next days, a serie of micro quakes had their epicentre inside the territory of Mexico City, provoking some damages in some buildings, apparently the Virgin of Guadalupe was very happy in her day...

As the uh- thing between Palestine and Israel... I really have to be looking out or they will disappear me for covering this topic... Anyway... In Germany protests by pro-Palestinians ended up horribly wrong when German police started opressing them just for supporting Palestine, and the police violently arrested the pacific protestors, then the thing ended in protestors calling German government fascists (they're not lol) and with Germany demonstrating how their support to Israel and wish for Israel's survivance to show that Germany has changed and is no longer... eh... you know... nationalist... and gen- you also know- supporter, ended up in them supporting a gen- you know what again- again but this time accidentally, bc everyone already know what Israel is doing...

Meanwhile I hope the previous new doesn't get me in troubles, I'm gonna talk now about EPIDEMICS (not music lol), in China (bruh what is wrong with China fr...) they started to have a great outbreak of an uknown new pneumonia virus and some hospitals collapsed in different cities,this thing mainly affects children, this new virus is ofc not part of the new agenda of releasing a new pandemic from China every 3 years just like if viruses were iPhones!
This pneumonia arrived to Ohio and Russia, it specially hit hard in Russia, but not as hard as the hit Russia gave to Germany from 1942 to 1945...

But that is not the only thing, in Yellowstone, infected deer with the "zombie deer disease" reappeared, the last cases of zombie deer in the US and Canada were about 2019, so this is not new, but somehow cases also appeared in Korea and Europe... HOW!? HOW DID IT CROSS THE OCEANS!? IDK... Anyway, scientists warn that it is very possible that this thing jumps to humans, and also, the symptoms are appetite loss, aggressiveness, weird behaviors, apathy, lost look, and the thing spreads by contaminated food, or fluids, so that means that if you eat infected deer or they bite you making their saliva or fluids get in contact with your blood, you might get infected, and if you ate their fluids or they got in your mouth you'd probably get infected as well, fortunately for us, Hollywood is very alarmist and nationalist so a zombie apocalypse is not possible...

And as our final note...
A Paraguayan politician singed an agreement with the United States of Kailasa to get medicaments and other stuff as gift for Paraguay, but then after that they became into the objective of being made humor of in an international scale because they got tricked and Kailasa is only an unrecognized micronation in an island in Ecuador, and they only needed diplomatic relations with another recognized country to technically be a recognizable country, so Paraguay technically created a country, then they found that the founder and leader of Kailasa is an Indian criminal searched by the USA, then this controversy made them fire the Paraguayan politician for being dumb and not knowing even the most basic of geography to know that Kailasa doesn't exist...
So yeah... ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY UNITED STATES OF KAILASA!!! THE ONLY COUNTRY WHERE EVERYTHING IS FREE AND THE ONLY COUNTRY THAT COULD CONQUER THE ENTIRE MULTIVERSE!!! (Btw, everything being free there is not a joke, they say that about Kailasa... Oh and as all its population are Indian descendants, their religion is Hinduism)
CreditThe Official Government of the United States of Kailasa

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01/15/2024 10:07 am
He/Him • Level 36 : Artisan Warrior
Elightin_elytra's Avatar
He's a Tamil, but I ain't a cult sucka. He ain't a Tamil in my book
01/15/2024 12:44 pm
He/Him • Level 48 : Master Sus Imposter
Rob333's Avatar
You: Gigachad Tamil
He: Virgin Tamil
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