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The Mandalorians Bios: "Stryker And The Retribution"

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DoomStryker's Avatar DoomStryker
Level 24 : Expert Robot Architect
The Mandalorians Bios: The Retribution & Stryker

Ship Class: Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer

Ship Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards

Owner: Grand General Stryker

(Image does not belong to me, I couldn't draw the ship in time: Here is where I found it)

The Retribution was an Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer manufactured for the Imperial Navy during the war between The Empire and The Rebellion. Stryker, who was both a Mandalorian and a Grand General for the Empire, owned the flagship. He served the Empire after being shunned by the tribes of Mandalore for his unnatural Force abilities.

Stryker fought his case, claiming that Tarre Vizsla was a former Force user. But he was still cast out. After 5 years since the fall of the Empire, Stryker had taken time and created his own army out of the ashes; The Imperial Syndicate.

Upon upgrading his still-functioning Star Destroyer with black Beskar metal and changing the lights of the ship from yellow to blood red, which took several years on end to do so. He outfitted his arsenal with black beskar armored Imperial Super Commandos, Death Troopers, Dark Troopers, as well as Outland T.I.E Fighters, TIE Interceptors, and a prototype TIE-X for himself.

For a personal weapon, he outfitted himself with a crudely made lightsaber powered by a Green Kyber Crystal, bled into a red one with his hate and anger. Stryker then changed the fuel of his ship, causing the engines to glow red.

Stryker had begun to create a weapon similar to that of The Death Star, but in the form of a cannon. Even testing various unstable prototypes on uninhabited and inhabited planets alike. Once the weapon was stable and finalized, Stryker had the weapon installed on the underside of his ship. He then used it to make an example of the planet Taua, and as a warning to other planets that dare defy him.

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