Minecraft Blogs / Story

The Lost ship

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BlueJam04's Avatar BlueJam04
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
chapter 1:
   DING,DING,DING "COME ON PEOPLE LETS GET THE CHARCOL IN THE FURNCE" yell captin Buck. "yes sir but dont we need the food first" whisperd Mark to Buck."FOOD FOOD FOOD WHO CARES ABOUT FOOD IF YOU WANT FOOD THEN GET FOOD" yeeled Buck."but if we dont get food we will die" Buck yelled back with a louder and stronger voice "WE ARE  PIRATES ARE A BABY WE ATTACK AND RAID FOR GOLD AND FOOD ARE YOU DUM.  KA BOOOOMM,THOOOOOMM  WEEEEEEEEE BOOOOMMM.Buck yelled "RUN RUN RUN RUN TOWARD THE SHIP OUR SHIP AND FALL BACK." WWWHHOOOOSSSHHHH
                                                                15 seonds after the ship started to sail

chapter 2:

           Buck was yelling on top of his voice"THEY ARE JUMPING ON OUR SHIP THEY ARE ATTACKING,ATTACK BACK MY MEN.....wait wh.w.....ww.....where are my men" Buck turns back he sees the door open to the beds he runs into there and he see's all his men sleeping he yells "WE ARE UNDER ATTACK WAKE UP" all the men look with wide eyes  Mark talk's in a grumpy tired voice "if we are under attack why are they all ready killing us or us kill th BOOOMMMM. Buck yells "ITS THE YELLOW JACKET'S

                                                                               to be continued

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10/31/2015 10:48 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
BlueJam04's Avatar
because you know it says aproblem withuploading and that happan to me
10/31/2015 10:46 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
BlueJam04's Avatar
i going to post a image soon
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