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The Lost City in the Forest

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Shadow_Writer's Avatar Shadow_Writer
Level 1 : New Miner
Hey! I wrote this in November, just a little horror story, nothing much. It's not that scary but hey, I thought I would share it here. Oof it's bad.

The Lost City in the Forest

The Government lies. They said that secret societies are nothing to worry about. Wrong. People are being held captive by something. No one knows what the something is, except for the government. We have our guesses and we have names for whatever the things are, but we don’t know what they are. You can hear the screams as people get dragged into the forest. There are random wails coming from the forest, as if the forest itself is screaming. Blood trails are everywhere and no one knows where they are coming from. If someone disappeared into the forest, we all knew they would never come back. One night, when I was laying in bed I heard my little sister, Abigail, start to scream. We didn’t know what was happening but we went to try and help her anyways. Stumbling across our dirty carpet, we slammed her door open to reveal, nothing. Her screams had echoed off in the distance. Another child lost to the Forest. We stood there, stunned. He drapes flapped and cracked in the wind from her open window. My mom started to break down sobbing. I became numb.

Fear is a normal part of life now. It seemed like my sister was fading from everyone’s minds, day by day. Abigail had been gone almost a year now. She was becoming another ghost of the Forest. We couldn’t go searching for her body, or else we might become another victim and become just like her. When we went to put her obituary in the paper, we couldn’t find anything about her. She was even a ghost in the government files. I decided to go to her room to remember times long past. Looking through her window I felt the breeze against my face, and I could still hear her screams echoing inside my mind. Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t notice the tears running down my cheeks. When Abigail’s drapes brushed my face. Suddenly, I heard a moan behind me. Spinning around on my heels, I saw nothing. The only things in the musty room were a bed, long unused and a bookshelf. Again, the drapes lightly touched my face, the ghost of a touch. I turned and looked out the open window, into the Forest. The Forest seemed like it was going to be swallowed in the darkness and fog. The only thing that received light was the brown, crinkly leaves that came in abundance on top of the spindly arms of the trees.
I saw demon spawn coming out of the Forest.Their rattling breaths were heard only by those stupid enough to go into the depths of the Forest. Normally they wouldn’t dare venture into the light, but that day was different. I could feel the house grow darker, just looking at the Forest made me shiver. I smelled the decaying forest and it was like I was almost inside its depths again. I remembered Abigail's friend, Mikel.
Going back to Abigail’s friend, Mikel. One day, he and Abi wanted to have a picnic next to the Forest. The poor kid still didn’t understand what was wrong with the forest. It was an eerily quiet day when Abigail and her friend went outside. The wind wasn't rustling the trees for once, making the air have a still effect. Abigail had known the dangers of the forest and warned her friend. His arrogance had caused his doom. It was inevitably going to happen, it seemed the things we loved most would disappear in front of our eyes. He had walked towards the Forest, challenging Abigail to a race. Being athletically inclined, even as a child, she accepted the challenge. Her plan was to beat him and then she could tell her family.
She did beat him, of course. Abi only beat him because he never came out of the Forest. She waited and waited but still, he never came back. When Abigail finally heard him screaming her name she bolted to try and save him. The thing was, he was too deep in the Forest. The Forest demons had gripped hold of him with their power and pulled him into the depths for their meal. When he had finally snapped out of the curse, he called for Abi, screaming frantically as he ran back the way he had come. The amber eyes followed him through the misty forest, teasing him as the Forest spirits tease their food before they get a chance to play. It was playtime now. Abi was bolting for the Forest at full speed, intent on saving her friend. She hadn’t seen the blinding lights yet so somewhere deep inside her being, she knew there was a sliver of hope still left for her friend. Her friend was running so hard to get back to her and see Abi at least once more. Abi was also running for his life. He was almost there, but the spirits were gaining on him. One of them lunged for him, successfully latching onto his shoulder and ripping it. He cried out in pain, a six year old should never have felt that pain. After gradually letting him go, the Forest spirits melted back into the depth of the Forest, letting him go. It seemed they would not be eating tonight. He flew out of the Forest and stumbled into Abigail. He knocked her down, and they both fell to the ground, panting. The Forest spirits looked on in hunger. Their amber yellow eyes tinted red. How something with barely any fingers could cause so much damage was amazing in its own way. You could see through their bodies to the forest around them but the mist that encircled them made it hard to see distinctive features of the spirits. They would blend into the forest, making it easier for them to creep up on you. Abi knew the fear of death, she had seen it one too many times. She then sensed it in her friend. She picked him up and started to sprint back to the school, determined to save him. Abi didn't want to lose another loved one. Once I saw her out the window and saw the panic in her eyes, I could tell something was wrong. Her friend was in her arms, bleeding out of the wound on his shoulder. Blood was on Abigail’s shirt, staining it. She screamed at me to come help her.

“SAMANTHA HELP ME! HE'S HURT, BADLY!” The sound carried across the open field, the rich green grass swaying in the wind. It soon was trampled by Abi’s hurried footsteps, bending down into the ground but slowly rising back up after Abigail stepped off that patch. I hurried over to her, not wanting her to see death again. She was starting to be out of breath and her hope was slimming. Once her adrenaline ran out, she would just give up, I could already see it in her eyes. I started to try and calm her, the boy was growing unconscious. I yelled for the nurse but I had doubts she would reach us in time. The boy’s head lolled, and Abigail gasped, she didn’t know he was just unconscious. I started to patch up his shoulder when my mom pulled up to take us home. She didn’t know what to do either.

“Mom! Get some cloth, now!” I pleaded to her from across the field. She simply nodded her head in response, hurrying off to get what we needed. I heard a whisper behind us, but it was so faint I didn’t hear the words. When my mom got back with cloth, we straddled his arm and shoulder, hoping to stop the blood flow. This had all happened outside school yet no teachers nor students came out to check on us. Just another plus of living somewhere like us. My mom ran to get some water and I had never seen her run that fast before. The kid was not bleeding as much and the effects were wearing off. I heard whispers behind me again. This time, I could tell it was like a chant. I whipped my head around but again, I saw nothing. The little boy was getting better and then my mom returned with some water. She made him sip it, bit by bit until the whole cup was gone.

He whispered in a weak voice, “More, please.”

“Honey, we don't have any more, but I can go get you some.” My mom whispered back to him gently.

He coughed back a weak please then fell asleep in Abi’s arms. She started to flip out, not knowing he was asleep. “Wake up! Don't leave me!” She screamed until he opened his eyes. “My name is Mikel, Abigail, and yes I know your name, even though you didn't know mine.” She gasped, the only ones who knew her real name were her family, and it seems, Mikel did too. We were all caught in awe. We sat around them, mouths gaping open. He lay there in her arms, eventually growing still. This was Abigail’s first taste of death, soon what her fate would be.

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04/07/2018 1:12 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
JediJerboa's Avatar
Not bad, although it is a bit confusing as you introduce Abigai’s first taste of death right after describing her actual death. Other than that, you did a pretty good job!
04/07/2018 8:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Shadow_Writer's Avatar
Thank you so much!
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