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The LoftMC x TWS Situation

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TimeWorkStudio's Avatar TimeWorkStudio
Level 18 : Journeyman System
play.theloftmc.com also know as LoftMC, Randae an Jaay are the 2 main leaders, LoftFox/randae is the owner. Think is the story of "The Banning of TWS":

10/21/2023- TWS finds out about a duping glitch, tells staff. Then TWS gets a message on discord from randae, "We have noticed a exploit that you have used, if you do not come foward and admit to your actions, you will be permanatly banned". I say, "Yes, I told staff already" Randae says back, "I asked all staff and they all said no you never did"

10/23/2023- TWS gets banned. I was very mad, I lost my money spent towards loftmc, and all my work of my "Continent" was gone... They blocked me on discord and banned me from the discord server. I asked my firend to get me in contact with randae, All I wanted was my money back, $120 USD. Randae told my friend that is was best if you stopped talking to TWS forever.

10/27/2023- No refunds are made from randae so we get into legal action, They use Tebex Checkout to make their shop, tebex claims that they will make a refund. Then minecraft EULA comes in and is now helping, LoftMC violates a Pay-To-Win server rule from mc EULA.

10/30/2023- EULA is investiagting the server amd tebex is processing the refund, now TWS is trying to create a server of his own. The EULA and Tebex full story is private information that I may not share. *End, for now...*

Questions- Was this fair? Was TWS Wrong? Do you know any good, free server hosts? Comment Below!


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11/19/2023 5:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BigBumCheeks_69's Avatar
Bro broke rules they agreed to when they started playing then said "im gonna sue"
11/18/2023 8:00 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
Denreib's Avatar
bro deleted the evidence :skull:
11/28/2023 4:51 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman System
TimeWorkStudio's Avatar
I made this bc I was mad, And at that time I did not realise how wrong I was...
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