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The Legion Chapter 1 (a somewhat realistic minecraft story)

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Flareonsareawsome's Avatar Flareonsareawsome
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
So some of you may be wondering why I have not been posting for a while. Two things 1; imma gonna try to make a parody of "Pompeii" by Bastile, Any suggestions? 2; I had a major speach project at school that could make or break my english grade, if you guys want to see that project just let me know. SO! let us get onto the story...

      John woke up in his home. It was burning. It smelled of burning flesh. Then, darkness.
When John woke again, the sceen was much different. Though not in a good way. Instead of his burning house, only a landscape of ash-packed dirt was around him in what he assumed was for atleast a mile. Dried blood stained the ground. The scent of freshly slaughterd human was hanging in the air. All that remained of Johns house was just a single chest, half burned but with just a verry damaged iron axe in it. It looked like it could only be used once more. John grabbed the axe and started to head off in the direction of what seemed to be a forest going on forever. As he neared the edge of the wasteland he overheard some voices.
"Make sure you find ALL the survivors this time!"
"Yeah, yeah"
"WHAT did you say to me?"
"I mean, yes sir."
     Appon hearing that, John ran into the woods hoping not to get caught. It became apperent to him that he was running in circles. John slowed dow and found a nice cave to stay in for the night, for it was getting dark. Inside he found an old fire ring and a crate with some flit and seel. As John layed down to get some rest, he thought he heard yelling off in the distance, but thought nothing of it.
       When John woke up in the morning, the first thing he saw was an arrow pointed straight at his face... (DUN DUN DUN)

                                            TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!

           "I WANNA BE A JEAN AS"
              -Charlie Gordon, 4/20/2014

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