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The History of Herobrine

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GlissandoGirl's Avatar GlissandoGirl
Level 28 : Expert Nerd
Before I begin, I would like to say that I do not believe in Herobrine, as he isn't in the game files. I am merely providing information on how the myth came to be.

The History of Herobrine
Article Text

Herobrine. Almost every Minecraft user has heard of the legendary figure, but not as many know of his origins. Before I begin, I’m going to cover some facts about Herobrine. The “true” facts about him are taken from the original story and the Brocraft stream.

Herobrine is considered to be Notch’s dead brother. He is able to create long, 2x2 tunnels, small pyramids, and take leaves off of trees. He is the default Steve skin, but with white glowing eyes. Herobrine theories include that he may be a ghost or demon.

Now that we have some basic information, how did he originate? The first Herobrine story was, depending on your source, either posted on 4chan or the Minecraft Forums. The original story had a player in a Minecraft world who saw a character with a Steve skin and glowing eyes. It had no name tag. The player continued to explore and found 2x2 tunnels, small pyramids, and trees with all of the leaves cut off.

The player posted a thread on the forums that was deleted within five minutes. The user then received a private message from a user called Herobrine with the message “Stop.” The player then received an email from another forum user who had also seen Herobrine.  The other user had been keeping track of sightings and told the player that Herobrine had been seen and had made structures in other players’ worlds.

Some other players who had seen Herobrine looked into the name. They found that it was commonly used by a Swedish gamer. After some more research, they found Herobrine to be Notch’s brother. The player emailed Notch asking if he had a brother. Notch responded, “I did, but he is no longer with us.”

This was the original story of Herobrine. Not much interest was taken in it. However, the Brocraft streamer Copeland had liked it and edited Herobrine into a few screenshots. He got a positive reaction and decided to do a livestream with Herobrine in it. He replaced a painting’s texture with Herobrine. He then placed the painting in his house. During the stream, he pretended to find it, screamed, then ended the stream. He acted scared in the chat afterwards.

Another Brocraft streamer called Patimuss staged a Herobrine sighting in a lava field. Because it was freestanding, it is believed to be a door. However, Patimuss admitted Herobrine to be fake to his wife. Many fans were outraged. Copeland did not approve of Patimuss admitting this.

At some point (it is unknown when this happening in relation to Patimuss’s sighting) Copeland posted links to a site with Herobrine’s face with creepy eyes and jumbled text at the bottom. The text, when all non-letter characters were removed, suggested that the reader was living in a fantasy world that they needed to wake from.

After this, the community propelled Herobrine into his position as the legendary Minecraft meme that he is today with animations, fan art, and fake sightings.
 Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed, feel free to leave a diamond, comment, or even subscribe. :D

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04/03/2014 9:25 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MikeTheMike2014's Avatar
04/03/2014 11:57 am
Level 28 : Expert Nerd
GlissandoGirl's Avatar
This is a really helpful link. I used it for this article. :)
04/03/2014 9:23 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MikeTheMike2014's Avatar
NO one listen to these lies, it says on the minecraft wiki on the 'Herobrine' page,(that page is uneditable so no one makes faked herobrine stories on the wiki) as it says that Notch never had a dead brother.  And also, how do you know if this is real as well? it could be faked too!

Take my advice readers: go to minecraft wiki, the 'Herobrine' page will tell you the truth and I will mention to you again that the page is uneditable. This is so no one can make fake stories there!
04/03/2014 11:53 am
Level 28 : Expert Nerd
GlissandoGirl's Avatar
I am sorry! With the way I presented this, it sounded like I was saying that it was fact. I know that Notch never had a dead brother, I was simply trying to present the "lore" about Herobrine. I don't believe that he is real. Again, I'm really sorry.
04/04/2014 8:45 am
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04/04/2014 12:10 pm
Level 28 : Expert Nerd
GlissandoGirl's Avatar
I used the link you gave for research. Herobrine is a myth, and I was presenting the lore about him, or what he is believed to be able to do. I know that he is fake, and my resources knew this too. I am just saying that the stories about him say that he can do certain things.
04/03/2014 10:04 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Dolphin
Getoffmycat's Avatar
I thought it was obviously stated you knew it was fake lol
04/04/2014 12:06 pm
Level 28 : Expert Nerd
GlissandoGirl's Avatar
I did too... Oh well.
04/03/2014 9:16 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MikeTheMike2014's Avatar
Notch never had a dead brother,I even saw him saying that on twitter!
04/02/2014 10:51 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Dolphin
Getoffmycat's Avatar
Amazing as always :)
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