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The Hidden Fallen Angel

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The_LOL_Gangster's Avatar The_LOL_Gangster
Level 25 : Expert Cake
I hid my wings as I walk along the forest, I sighed and watched as the moon rises over the darkness we call nighttime. I couldn't help but think if someone gonna find me, I'm barely home. I hate to come in and see my boyfriend all worried, if he only knew what I was doing.

I felt like dying as I walked along the rocky, muddy floor, the boots aren't helping but it's one of the things that are keeping me warm. I get a text message.

"Hey babe, where you at? You never take this long!" He said, I didn't bother to text back. It's a waste of time.
"Babe! Come home! I'm worried, please answer me!" He said, I sighed and stopped walking.
"Give me a hour, ok?" I said, then I shut down my phone. A waste of time to be texting him, I been trying to go home.

I didn't bother to whip out my wings and fly home, everyone will see me. Then, I will go to hell. I already met the devil, I rather not see him. I felt like dying, the sins on my back are crushing me. I have to fly home.

I whip out my wings and started to fly, I trying flying straight up and just hide behind the dark clouds. I'm going to regret this, I landed in the yard. He saw me.

"Babe.. what in the name of Moonlight was that!?" He yelled, I ran to him to cover his mouth. I dragged him inside.
"Babe.. tell me everything!" He said, I was terrified. No one can find out but I love him, I'm going to tell him.

"Fluffy Bunny, I'm a fallen angel. A Rebellious soul." I said, that's all I had to say for him to understand. Everyone knew someone in the town was a fallen angel, every one wanted to know. I stayed quite. Then, a angel came inside the house. I knew him.

"Hey Charlie." I said, he smiled. Damien was looking at me like I was crazy.
"This is real?!" He said, I nodded so did Charlie.
"He wants to talk to you." He said, I was terrified. Marcel the God of Darkness always liked me. I knew him before he was cursed.

"Lets go." I said, I got up. I showed Damien my wings. I walked away with no words.

I never saw Damien again.

[If ya like, I will add on to the story!!] :3

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