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The greatest App game I've ever experienced

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chickenpants93's Avatar chickenpants93
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
Why hello there good friends, you may have noticed that I haven’t posted a story blog in quite a while, and the reason for that is very simple. I haven’t left my house in months and months! Time absolutely flys when you have fun and I hope you have all had just as wonderful a time As I have.

The reason I haven’t left my room is because I have FOUND IT. I have found the GREATEST AND MOST HIGH QUALITY MOBILE GAME YOU COULD EVER POSSIBLY IMAGINE.


The greatest App game I've ever experienced

That’s right while scrolling the App Store I randomly happened to stumble across this mobile game which was made five years ago and has an average score of 4.3 with 416 reviews.
Now you may be wondering what SANS, popular character from undertale may be doing in this gem of an app game, and the answer may surprise you!

The greatest App game I've ever experienced

I was absolutely delighted by this fantastic concept and after reading a review or two I learned the story of how this game saved millions from anxiety and depression as well as cancer of various kinds, and I believe it!
Here, just in case you haven’t already been sold on this perfect game, just read the description!

The greatest App game I've ever experienced

I did download this game and I have got to say the game is a very riveting and challenging experience full of story and charm, and while I am yet to beat the fourth level, that’s just a testament to the skill required in this game. I mean come on who could top this??

The gaming industry is ruined!
Now of course I should give fair warning, I know a lot of people are very careful about their personal information getting stolen and while sans would never do that I can understand, so here is a legally required disclaimer.

So to cap off this game recommendation I really cannot recommend this enough! This game is a wonderful work of art that is a poetic representation of the deeper meaning of the game.. Sans zigs and zags through sanszigzagchallenge with such ease meanwhile snatching up all of our hearts along the way.

Wait you’re not buying it you still need convincing?
Wait- the reviews? no. NO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Some of these reviews are absolute garbage and very much not for the faint of heart, I should know, I read EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM. (Though not all the way through all of them thank goodness)
Most of them are overwhelmingly positive! The others are either SHEEPLE or they're just confused about the games deep lore.

Speaking of lore..

That’s right! The canon sequel to undertale!!! Undertale 2!!! Toby Fox that sly dog, he must have just taken on the name of Samir ait abdelkaoui to make sure only the REAL fans could find it. But what’s the lore for this game? Where does it fit on the timeline?? We all know toby fox likes to hide little secrets in all of his games, why is sans running? Well I believe I’ve found the answer.

We start out the game with sans running in this beautiful grassy road in the sky to reach a circus tent, but we don’t get to see anything behind sans, this is the strange part of this game as we don’t even get to see sans’ beautiful face in this entire game. This started to make me think about the environment sans is in, why would he ever be running in this wonderful place? What could fill him with such fear? I needed to find out more.
One of the reviews I found mentioned wooden floors, which aren’t even in the game, and the description of the game mentions a castle!! But you don’t even see one in the game!!!?! I needed to find the castle, AND IT WAS RIGHT UNDER MY NOSE!

Right there in the app icon was the castle, and it had wooden floors too! I must have been cursed to miss out on a vital early part of the game that was lost to time, but this gave me all the lore I needed!
Sans would NEVER run away from such a beautiful castle unless he was being chased by something TRULY evil, something so evil he had to run away to the circus. This of course would lead him to where we find him in undertale, the real sequel to this game.

Ah there we go, really wish I could have seen the castle though, that would have been nice. But that’s it, that’s all there is unfortunately, no more sanszigzagchallenge..


Zig zag tale 2 is the canon sequel to the canon prequel of undertale, and I must say it ruined all the artistic and creativity of the original sequel!

It seems to follow the story of a small child that looks VAGUELY like main character from undertale, but that just throws off the entire lore!!! Where are all the established and fan beloved characters like sans and sans?? This is just the same game but at nighttime instead! Clearly a evil cash grab trying to fool the dedicated fanbase. FOR SHAME TOBY, FOR SHAME.

I mean really if they wanted to make such a dumb rip off they could have at least disconnected it from the story and not ruined it instead. There wasn’t even the castle in this one WHICH WAS ALSO PROMISED IN THE DESCRIPTION.

Yeah too bad they didn’t just do tha-

This was probably the last thing I expected, a RIP OFF of sanszigzagchallenge made by the original creator! This is absolutely horrible. I MEAN JUST LOOK AT THIS GUY.


This whole experience has left me in tatters, I just want to go back to the good old days, I want to go back to sanszigzagchallenge.
The intent and beauty of this game really are clear. It’s simple, it’s graphics are beautiful and 3D, I really couldn’t imagine a better experience.

Sometimes when it comes to video games, you really have to just take the original game for what it was when it first released, if you compare it to it’s unfortunate sequels you’ll never be able to enjoy it for what it really is.

If you still haven’t been convinced, that’s okay, it’s really up to you if you try this game. I’ll just leave you with my personal review, maybe I’ll go outside for a while. Yeah, I think I’ll go do that.

Oh and here's a dream I had about it one time

okay tbh this was an entirely unrelated dream but I felt like it fit the vibe
CreditSamir Ait abdelkaoui

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08/06/2023 1:47 am
Level 40 : Master Taco
computerfighter's Avatar
i would just like to say i told my friend about this in december and he still actively plays it but he has been stuck on level 11 for 8 months
08/06/2023 8:36 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
chickenpants93's Avatar
im glad he enjoys it
06/05/2023 12:56 pm
She/Her • Level 20 : Expert Artist Crewmate
WelcomeToPMC's Avatar
it might track you, right?
06/05/2023 5:23 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
chickenpants93's Avatar
maybe? dont risk it if you dont want to! lol
03/25/2023 12:42 pm
Level 48 : Master Blob Kitten
cloudkitty's Avatar
what an immersive story! that had me laughing
03/25/2023 1:08 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
chickenpants93's Avatar
eyy thank you! :D
01/01/2023 9:52 pm
Level 42 : Master Button Pusher Droid
jellyfishh's Avatar
is this on android too?
01/02/2023 10:16 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
chickenpants93's Avatar
honestly I have no idea lol
01/01/2023 6:04 pm
Level 42 : Master Nerd
BigFatPotat's Avatar
This app looks hilarious XD
Good story, it got a chuckle out of me.
12/30/2022 6:16 pm
Level 40 : Master Taco
computerfighter's Avatar
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