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The Gamer's Guide to Minecraft

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VoidBreakr's Avatar VoidBreakr
Level 20 : Expert Dragonborn

1. Surviving the first night

You really don't need your house to be beautiful, because you can do that later on when you have better resources. Basically, focus on the task at hand. Beating the game. Quickly gather resources and try to get iron in your first night. Live in a small hole in the ground or somethin'

2. Making a sugar cane farm

This is a very important step. Find sugar cane plants along a river or a lake or any body of water. take it and bring it back to your shelter and begin making a sugar cane farm. Sugar cane plants only grow near water like most crops. Sugar cane can be turned into paper to make bookshelves that boost the power of enchanting tables.

3. Mining Time

While your sugar cane farm grows, do some diamond mining. craft a ton of ladders and press F3 on your keyboard. Dig straight down and place the ladders on the side of the wall while you mine downwards. keep doing this until the Y coordinate says 13. Then dig straight until you get a bunch of diamonds. Then head to the surface once you are done.

4. Making a cow pen

Like sugar cane, leather is also a very important resource because you need it to craft books for your enchantment table and books for bookshelves. Build a wheat farm to grow wheat crops to feed the cows so they can breed. You also earn experience from breeding and killing cows. Your experience level will also be very important.

5. Making the enchantment table and bookshelves

After crafting an enchantment table and plenty of bookshelves, place the enchantment table in the center of a room or a wide area and put the bookshelves around it. You will see symbols coming out of the bookshelves and into the enchantment table. After putting a couple more shelves down if needed, you should be able to use level 30 enchantments. This will take a while to grind to get to level 30 but it is worth it because you get some pretty powerful enchantments like Sharpness IV or even Protection V for your armor.

6. Getting the XP

The best way in my opinion without the hassles of complex mob farming is to go to the nether and mine a ton of quartz ore. quartz ore is plentiful in the nether and is usually in large veins so you get tons of XP from mining them. Also you could just kill a ton of mobs. Be careful though!

7. The Nether

Go to the nether and search for a nether fortress. Some nether fortresses are small and have no mob spawners but mostly they do. Look for a blaze spawner. Blazes are yellow mobs that can fly and shoot fireballs so be careful or you will meet your fiery demise. Kill a few of em and you will get a couple of blaze rods. Turn these into blaze powder in the crafting menu.

8. Enderman Hunting

The reason you need to kill a ton of endermen is to get ender pearls, an item dropped from endermen. after you get a bunch, go to the crafting menu and put blaze powder and ender pearls and it will make eyes
of ender. Now you can begin the hunt for the stronghold.

9. The search for the stronghold

Use right click while holding an eye of ender and it will fly in a random direction. Follow it. Sometimes the eye of ender will drop and you can pick it up, but sometimes they get eaten up and explode. Don't worry, it wont harm you. After following the eyes of ender around, eventually they will sink into the ground. dig down and keep following them. this will lead you to the stronghold.

10. The portal room

After a while of searching around in the endless corridors of the minecraft stronghold, you will find the portal room. Put the eyes of ender in the empty slots of the portal frames and it should open a portal to The End. Jump in.


The best weapons of choice when it comes to fighting the Ender Dragon Boss is probrably a crossbow or a bow and arrow and plenty of arrows.
Also bring plenty of food and other healing items.


So now you know one of the many methods of beating minecraft. This isin't the fastest way but it is pretty effective. Happy crafting :)


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