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The Fortnite Gamer

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Studio15's Avatar Studio15
Level 20 : Expert Artist

The Fortnite Gamer- A Short Horror Story

Disclaimer: None of this is true, Please Continue with caution. Enjoy!


*It was Sunday night, Me and my friends played Fortnite and Mike taught us on how to play them, 5 minutes ago, we played and played while asking questions, and Mike didn't respond to our questions, we asked Mike,

< Ray > " Mike? Are you ok? "
< Daniel > " Mike, we're not joking, answer us, please "
< Daniel > " MIKE! "

*Then I took my parents car key and then I drove to their home, all the lights were shut down and the front door was open, I went to his room and I saw Mike lying on the floor with blood, I called the police and cried, after a minute, I heard a footsteps coming from the basement, I walked slowly going there, and I saw a man wearing a thick coat and holding a knife I was shocked, the man pushed me and ran away, then, the police came, they questioned me what really happened, and Mike's family was so shocked and cried, after that we never played Fortnite again.

CreditInfo: None of this story is stolen or taken, Thanks

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01/02/2019 6:28 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
Kaegord-Adventures's Avatar
>never played Fortnite again.

At least this story has a happy ending.
01/03/2019 10:21 am
Level 20 : Expert Miner
anonpmc1572080's Avatar
12/27/2018 3:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
GamersOnTheWay777's Avatar
That is so nice DarienGaming and also can you subscribe to me? plz?
01/02/2019 7:40 am
Level 41 : Master Lava Rider
Undercover_Luk's Avatar
that is so sad. ;(
but a nice story
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