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The Formula to Making A Perfect Minecraft Town

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Will3crafter's Avatar Will3crafter
Level 37 : Artisan Crafter
Hey guys! First and foremost, I apologize for not posting a blog recently. I have been sick and recently recovered. Anyway, here's a blog that will help you to make a perfect Minecraft town.

Formula: Houses + Shops + Something to do with town = Perfect town

First of all, your town needs some places to live! A town looks more full and full of life with some houses. They don't have to be huge, just make sure they have windows, good lighting, they look decent and there are details on the inside.

Secondly, you need some shops! As for me, I like to do a store dedicated to the necissities, (food, weapons, armor, etc.) and then build some other more interesting stores. Make sure to include the actual items you're selling and a check-out counter.

The final part of the formula is very important. It has to do with your town's theme. If your town doesn't have a theme, just put in a library or decorations in the town. If your town does have a theme, make sure to include this part of the formula in your town. Build something in your town that has to do with the town. If you don't understand, I'll give some examples. In a town dedicated to nature, build a huge garden. In a town dedicated to industry, build one if not multiple factories. In an imperial city where you are the emperor, build a palace or a statue of yourself.

Thanks for reading! I know that there are other details that could enhance a town, but these are the main things. If you enjoyed this, please diamond. :D

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02/01/2015 1:24 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
skythekid300's Avatar
Nice Job! I'll Make My Own Town Now!

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