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The Formation of Minecraft

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MH_awesome's Avatar MH_awesome
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Most of you reading this probably know that time in Minecraft goes by much faster than Earth time. A full 24 hours in Minecraft passes in 20 minutes Earth Time. But you probably don't know that the speed of time in Minecraft decreases over time.... a lot. In the 10 seconds Minecraft takes to create a new world, billions of years pass. In this story, I will explain all that.

                First, the human presses the "Create World" button. Then, a red supergiant explodes. It causes huge rocks to fly all over the Void. They collide into each other to form five entities: The sun, the moon, the Overworld, the Nether, and the End.

                Next, on the Overworld, it rains entities of falling sand to form deserts and tons of dirt pile to make the plains. Then, plenty of prehistoric creatures form that prey on the ancestors of cows and chickens. Other creatures included are huge 7-block tall spiders and small, bouncing, slimy organisms.

                Then, one day, the Nether started going out of its orbit. It collided with the Overworld. Plenty of creatures died. And despite the Nether's active volcanoes and hot temperatures, the world was sent to an ice age. The reason for this was the Nether went inside the Overworld, not over it. The ice age killed all creatures except for one tiny slime organism and two baby spiders. The slime fed on its own kind to grow big and strong. It was very smart. The two baby spiders bred and produced young who grew to be only one meter tall.

                In the ice age, the first NPC's formed. They grouped into different tribes and were nomads. The one slime in existence tried to attack the NPC's. When they tried to kill it, the slime split into many which caused the testificates to flee. The NPC's hunted large cow-like creatures and small long-necked chickens. But as large amounts of testificates died from plagues and low temperatures, Zombies and Skeletons began to rise.

                As the ice age began to fade, NPC's began to settle in villages they built. They called themselves villagers. They began to farm crops, and hunted pigs, chickens, and cows. Then one day, a librarian poured a potion on a pig. This caused it to become a creeper and explode if provoked. The villagers called the librarian a witch and kicked him out of the village.

                Then, the villagers had a golden age. They created Iron golems as a form of defense from zombies. They built strongholds underground that introduced Endermen, and began to dig out mineshafts. They built dungeons for hostile mobs to grow in as a peace offering. They built temples in the jungle. The villagers who ruled the deserts also built temples and wells. It was living in luxury for the villagers.

                Then, the player spawns. This is where you come in. You can do anything you want. It all depends on you.

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08/03/2014 1:05 pm
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08/04/2014 8:44 am
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