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The Foragers CE (Original)

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Angelonasher's Avatar Angelonasher
Level 54 : Grandmaster Blueberry Mlem Mlem Bat
This is for jellyfishh's Little Light Writing Contest

Link To Thumbnail Picture (Found on Needpix.com)

Credit for Drawing: I drew it :D

DISCLAIMER: IDEA FOR THE WINGS WAS TAKEN FROM "The Seven Sleepers Series Book Five: The Winged Raiders of the Desert"
but was not followed exactly (book did not say colors of wings, and said they where made of tiny feathers, which wings in this story r not)

Note: I posted The Foragers (Continued)!

(Purple is original text)

The full moon shined through the dark purple clouds. Its rays reached the forest to make the dewdrops glitter. All the forest is quiet and still.. until there is a small light floating above a lily, like a tiny star that came from the heavens. It then dreamily fluttered through a clump of forget-me-nots and flew slowly to a small door at the base of a tree. It carefully opened it and tiptoed inside...

The small light was emitted from a tiny wooden lantern, which shone an eerie glow on the face of the tiny person who held it. The wings in which it used to fly were light and delicate, yet not a part of the tiny person at all! It was a mechanical wonder, achieving the dream of flight that many men in our world failed to fulfill. This complex engineering was fastened on to the person with many light-weight straps.

The wings were a sort of brown in color, with thin black pieces creating the frame. If one looked closer with a magnifying glass, perhaps they would see the thin, almost invisible strings which connected from the contraption to the tiny persons limbs and body, allowing them to be adjusted at the tiniest movement of the skill full flyer. They weren't really flying of course, instead catching on to the strong winds; so really a controlled gliding than soaring through the air, but the difference was insignificant.

The person herself had a thin, sleek frame, with an attractive face and auburn hair. Her skin was fair, and seemed a ghostly pale in the dwindling starlight; the large leaves of huge plants casting odd shadows on her. Her hair was short and soft, floating above her shoulders. At the turn of her head, the swaying reddish crown would glisten in the moon light.

She brushed stray strands of hair from her dark amber eyes, then allowed them to fall back on her forehead carelessly. She closed the door after her, which had been the only light source. Now the hollow room was dimly lighted only by the lantern she held in her small hand. Inside of the lantern was her pet firefly, Bede. His bioluminescence let off a yellowish glow, which created looming, ghastly shadows.

She now released him. He flew around the room, unsteadily at first, lighting a small circle around him as we went. Erna stood there, mystified. What a beautiful creature! Bede lighted the small wooden table and the carefully carven chairs, the hollowed acorn stuffed with cotton, the hanging chandelier fastened to the ceiling with many strands of grass, and the mossy carpet on the floor. Bede landed on the platform on the middle of the chandelier, that had been designed especially for a fire fly. His glow shown through the many crystals hanging around him, and in turn the crystals let of a shine of their own, filling the room with all sorts of colors. It was a breath taking experience for the girl, despite having seen it many times.

Remembering the cord she had been loosely holding, Erna pulled the grassy stem. The action released all the other fire flies into the room, flying together as a unit. Bede joined his flock, and they flew around the room for a while, then, tiring, they flew back up into their chamber. Erna sat down and sighed contentedly, allowing herself to sink into the soft cotton. She had seen the most beautiful things on her flight today, but now she was tired, and tomorrow would be busier yet.

"Wait up, Erna!" Tycho called after her.

Erna stopped only to turn and check on her friend. Tycho was fifteen years old, one year older than her. Tycho was not the best flyer, nor even a good one. He had come from another village, one where they lived underground, and they were no strong winds to carry up their wings; not that they had made any. He had jet black hair that shone green, blue, pink, and purple at the turn of his head. His eyes seemed deep purple in the shade, but in the sunlight, they were a gradient of fuchsia. Much to his dislike, his eyes tended to stand out against the oranges and greens in the village, so he got a lot of stares. His skin was extremely pale from the lack of sunlight in the caves, which made his black hair seem even blacker.

Erna had well tanned skin and rosy cheeks since she spent most of her time outdoors. Her deep reddish brownish hair was made into a sagging bun. Her dark amber eyes had some orangey tones and were filled with mischief.

She and Tycho were almost complete opposites. While Tycho preferred to spend his time indoors, Erna loved exploring. While Tycho always took the safer side, Erna was always looking for trouble. Where Tycho did not enjoy meeting with people and despised attention, Erna couldn't stop talking and loved being the main attraction. Where Tycho was afraid, Erna was not. Where Erna was at peace, Tycho was ill at ease.

"Can't you walk any faster then that?" she teased.

"It's not fair! Your using your wing contraption to push you!"

It was true, Erna's wings were spread out and catching the wind.

She ignored his comment but did fold her wings. She then continued on, this time marching dramatically, swinging her arms in a exaggerated fashion. Tycho trudged on behind her. After about twenty minutes of this, Tycho asked hesitantly,

"A-are you sure we're not lost?"

"Of course we aren't! I know every inch of this rode like the back of my hand!"

Just to prove her point, and much to Tycho's dislike, Erna doggedly marched the rest of the way with her eyes shut.

'Why did I have to be pared with her? We're going to get lost and die! But she's so stubborn!' This was unlike Tycho, since he usually did not think bad of people.

Erna stopped abruptly, and turned around to Tycho.

"We're here!"

Tycho looked at her in doubt.

"When have I ever been wrong? Just part these grasses here, and you'll see!" The grass they had been walking through was about three inches tall, three times taller than either of them.

"I haven't known you for lo-"

"Just do it!" Erna's impatient startled Tycho.

Tycho sighed. He didn't like it here. Erna was loud, impulsive, and just so... commanding. He didn't understand her attitude, or anyone else here for that matter. He knew that Erna's parents where trying to make him feel welcome, and he really was trying. He just.... He just wanted to go home. It was normal to get homesick, right? He didn't know. He had never been away from his village before.

He slowly parted the long grass with his gloved hands and stared at the scene in front of them. It was a small village that consisted of two story houses made of pebbles for walls and twigs for roofs. Many people, some with wings strapped to their backs, were walking around and smiling cheerfully.

The marketplace was the immediate center of attention, with all the shouts and chatter of buyers and sellers. There was a small water wheel taking advantage of the tiny stream that flowed through the village. They were mushrooms, taller then any of the inhabitants, planted into charming little rows, almost like how one in our world would plant trees. The entire village had a whimsical look to it.

"Here it is! Isn't it wonderful? Must be- be... different than your home?" Erna said excitedly.

"Yeah... It is really.... different." A bit too different for him.

"Well, c'mon then! We'll be late!" She grabbed his arm and pulled Tycho after her, which he had not been expecting.

She ran through the busy town, dodging people with amazing speed. She finally stopped at a large building which a wide hand carven sign hanging to it that said:

The Foragers CE (Original) WHYSOBAD

"Well, are you ready?" Erna asked, turning towards Tycho.

Was he ready? A new school with a bunch of kids like Erna, who were sure to ask questions? The idea was not very appealing. He sighed and determined that he was not going to bring what these people called "The Underlings" to shame.

"Yes," he said blankly, "I'm ready."

A bit about their world:

So um they live in a world where humans (and certain insects/ creatures) are smol. There r no super big predators like Tigers, Pumas, Panthers, Bears, Wolves, Lions, Moose, shark, walrus. Certain animals r smaller than irl or there r smaller variants of them. Like deer r smaller. There r still smaller predators like Eagles, Raptors, Foxes, and bobcats.

The main race is called "The Foragers ". There r smaller "clans" basically depending on where they live/ their culture.

The clans who live in the snowy mountains r called 'Snowlanders'. They tend to be a reserved since other nations live far from them, but they are respected for their advanced mechanical knowledge.

Erna's clan (they live in the forests and usually have wings), 'Foresters' They tend to love adventure and will often leave their villages to explore. They will make their homes in dirt mounds, houses, tree stumps, large mushrooms, or trees.

The ones who live in the trees and on termite hills/ cliffs and have wings that actually fly (they usually chill and mingle with the Foresters) are called 'Highlanders' They build hanging houses that hang onto branches. They keep and train wasps and other insects to ride.

The ones who live underground r called 'Ironcrawlers' but since they hardly communicate with other races are sometimes referred as "Underlings" and the term is usually used in a negative way (as in, if someone said "You're like the underlings!" that would be an offense. most Foresters and Highlanders seem to think that the Ironcrawlers are dumber then the rest of the clans)

Those who live on water r called 'Surface Striders'. They live on floating islands that they create. They are expert boatman and fishers. They can catch tadpoles, tiny fish, and together they can even catch big ones!

And those who live under water r called 'Aquamanes". They create underwater cities by building complex underwater domes. Not much is known about the Aquamanes.

I am going to make a blog that better explains the clans (eventually)

those r only the clans and every village has it's own name.

(these don't count for the contest its just if u liked the story and also i was bored so why not :D)


"This isn't a good idea!" Tycho said, panicking.

"Oh, c'mon, Tycho. Don't be such an Und- uh, a worrywart." Tycho had not missed what she had been about to say.

"Yeah, Tycho, listen to Erna!" Jamel stated, his hand on his hips, referring to Tycho as if he was so foolish it was laughable.

Tycho wasn't very fond of Jamel. He seemed to encourage Erna's already extreme sense of mischief. Tycho didn't really mind if they looked down on him, however, he did wish they would just tell him they didn't want him around and be done with it.

"But only Erna can fly," Tycho pointed out bluntly.

Jamel seemed discouraged at this. Then said foolishly,

"I'm sure if we hang on tight, we'll be fine. Besides, even if we somehow fall, flying isn't that hard."

That's how all three ended up on a lynx, clutching tightly to it's misty grey fur. The huge creature lifted its ears ad sniffed the air hesitantly. Then it suddenly burst off into full speed. The ride was bumpy, and it was hard to hold on.

"Woo whooo!" Erna shouted. Her firefly, Bede, did not enjoy the ride half as much as her, and tried in vain to stay still as the stick which held the lantern was jostled wildly.

"Help!" Jamel suddenly shouted. Erna turned her head. There was Jamel, his strawberry blond hair whipping wildly as he fell off the lynx.

"Lookout, Erna!"

Erna whipped her head around, only to be hit full force in the face by the low ceiling of a log that the wild cat had darted into.

Tycho had ducked, so when the speeding lynx had exited the log, he was dismayed to find himself all alone on the galloping lynx, hanging on for dear life.

It was an earthquake, the ceiling of the crave crashing in on them.

"Get to the ladder!" his parents told him urgently. Tycho obeyed, stopping only to franticly grab his most precious possessions and stuff them in a bag.

They ran out of the house, his mother grasping seven year old Lydia's hand.

They continued on, running, running, running; dodging boulders as they fell. It seemed to go on forever, until he heard a crash behind him, and the steady encouragement of his parents' voice stopped abruptly.

Tycho turned to see his little sister calling to him, fear in her deep violet eyes. She was sitting down, clutching her precious doll, her pale pink nightgown trailing around her on the floor. He was running towards her, but even as he did he could see the boulder falling, falling. He was running, running as if he was in slow-motion. Falling, falling, falling the boulder was right above her head.

Tycho suddenly woke up in a cold sweat, and looked frantically around the dark room. There was no crazy jostling of the ground, no chaotic thunder of rocks falling. He wasn't in the caves anymore. The faint chirping of crickets reached his ears. No, he was in the "Surface World."

A nightmare? Why here? Why now?

He let his gaze go to the battered rag-doll on the window sill across from his bed. It had long black yarn hair, and deep purple eyes. It's baby blue dress had been stitched lovingly. Lydia had wanted the doll to look just like her.

So umm that's it! :D

I used random generator(s) for character names so I'm not sure where the names come from or what they mean (or if they even mean anything at all)

I also used random generator for most of the race names and the town name. I also used my imagination. The term Underlings comes from The Seven Sleepers Series Book Five: The Winged Raiders of the Desert

(For Tycho's eye color, by fuchsia I mean something like this or this: ((more like the second one tbh but it's a gradient lol))

The Foragers CE (Original)The Foragers CE (Original)

Pymrod in my brain is pronounced: Pim Rod

Tycho in my brain is pronounced: Ty co (like typo but with ko instead of po)

Erna in my brain is pronounced: Er nuh

Jamel in my brain is pronounced: Ja mel

Bede in my brain is pronounced: Bed eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (Bed eh)

ye idk if this is how they pronounced but i have no way of knowing so ye

Thank you for reading this :D
CreditxShadowStarx ; The Seven Sleepers Series Book Five: The Winged Raiders of the Desert

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Angelonasher 12/30/2021 11:41:55 pmDec 30th, 2021

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01/20/2022 3:30 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Theorist
GlacierArts's Avatar
Great world building!
01/20/2022 4:06 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Blueberry Mlem Mlem Bat
Angelonasher's Avatar
Thank you :D
Little Mbali
12/30/2021 5:27 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
Little Mbali's Avatar
Looks delicious 10/10 foond
12/30/2021 10:16 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Blueberry Mlem Mlem Bat
Angelonasher's Avatar

pls dont eat my characters

thank you
Little Mbali
01/01/2022 4:02 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
Little Mbali's Avatar
I will hold back, can't make any promises though
Supa_Michael AKA Frost Bite
12/26/2021 5:31 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Zombie
Supa_Michael AKA Frost Bite's Avatar
Make a part two! This is on of the best stories I have read on PMC!
01/10/2022 4:41 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Blueberry Mlem Mlem Bat
Angelonasher's Avatar
12/26/2021 3:00 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Blueberry Mlem Mlem Bat
Angelonasher's Avatar
oh mmmmyyy

Thank u so much!

my parents say i have low self esteem so its nice to see someone likes my work

i will prob make a part two i rlly enjoyed writing ths
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